Interfolio vs AMCAS Letter Service

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10+ Year Member
Apr 28, 2012
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Hello everyone,

Quick question regarding rec letters and I apologize if this has been asked before. AMCAS requires letter writers to create an account to upload the letter directly. I want to make this process as easy as possible for them, so I was thinking of using interfolio (which I already have as subscription for) for them to upload and I can send to AMCAS.

Is this a viable option? Is there a significant time delay to get it form interfolio---> AMCAS? Please let me know!


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Yes this is a viable option. Many people do this in case they have multiple years of applications. There is no time delay, it is electronic. The time delay is usually from the letter writers themselves.

Some schools have their own, free service, which can be a viable option too.
The time it takes to transfer from Interfolio to AMCAS is about 5 minutes.

There IS, however, somewhat of a delay when uploading to Interfolio, if I recall correctly. I doubt it's more than AMCAS, but it'll take a couple of days to get 'verified' or what have you.