International Medical Aid Shadowing

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Dec 29, 2020
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Hey all!

I recently stumbled across the IMA website and I was wondering if anyone has heard about it/knows if it is legit. I have some shadowing experience in the US, but I wasn't able to go abroad in undergrad so I thought this might be a good way to do both abroad work and get some clinical hours in. Does anyone know if schools will appreciate non-US clinic experience? Here is the link to the website in case you want to check it out International Medical Aid | Medical Internships Abroad | Pre-Med Volunteer

I appreciate your feedback!

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Shadowing a physician overseas isn't the same as shadowing a physician in the states. I wouldn't recommend it.
Hey all!

I recently stumbled across the IMA website and I was wondering if anyone has heard about it/knows if it is legit. I have some shadowing experience in the US, but I wasn't able to go abroad in undergrad so I thought this might be a good way to do both abroad work and get some clinical hours in. Does anyone know if schools will appreciate non-US clinic experience? Here is the link to the website in case you want to check it out International Medical Aid | Medical Internships Abroad | Pre-Med Volunteer

I appreciate your feedback!
Medical tourism, it won't count at my school.
My question is, are you actually bringing value to the country where you're shadowing? It seems like it is taking advantage of a system that is already being described as stretched thin. Could you consider instead doing an international rotation during medical school? As a medical student you would at least be able to bring something to the table. If you want to visit one of these countries as a tourist you're probably bringing more to the local economy that way, while visiting to shadow in an already struggling hospital system seems like it is more harmful than helpful.