International students wanting to do med school and practice medicine in America

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Jul 12, 2016
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I am an international student and I do want to stay in America after my undergrad and study medicine. I also plan to practice medicine in America but I am not sure which med schools I should apply for. I have found a list stating which schools accept international students but when I contact those schools' admission office, I found out not many of them are actually having international students studying over there right now. I am just curious where I should apply for and have a slightly higher chance to get into.
(my profile: raised in Hong Kong, major in Econ in undergrad, science GPA:3.73, 1 year of biochem research but no publications, Pre-SOMA and CCM, 2 years of shadowing and volunteering in America, Mexico, and East Asian countries, planning to take MCAT in the coming months and apply in 2017)

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I am an international student and I do want to stay in America after my undergrad and study medicine. I also plan to practice medicine in America but I am not sure which med schools I should apply for. I have found a list stating which schools accept international students but when I contact those schools' admission office, I found out not many of them are actually having international students studying over there right now. I am just curious where I should apply for and have a slightly higher chance to get into.
(my profile: raised in Hong Kong, major in Econ in undergrad, science GPA:3.73, 1 year of biochem research but no publications, Pre-SOMA and CCM, 2 years of shadowing and volunteering in America, Mexico, and East Asian countries, planning to take MCAT in the coming months and apply in 2017)
I am assuming your undergrad degree will be from a US school. Get a copy of the MSAR. Note each school that accepted more than 3 international students in the last year. After you get your MCAT score, pick out schools with stats closest to yours.

The CIB will possibly give similar information about DO schools.