Internship worth it?

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Dec 28, 2012
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I heard of an internship that my friend friend got into, it was about "Cloud formation and how it affects global warming", it is a 1 year internship with a high chance of publication and presenting at national conventions, but requires 8 hours a week. So is it worth it? Its not even related to medicine. I don't if its good for him so I would be grateful to get advice from u guys. (P.S he wants apply to top 20 medical school)

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Yeah, sounds great! Research doesn't have to be medically related, as long as he has clinical experience.
I heard of an internship that my friend friend got into, it was about "Cloud formation and how it affects global warming", it is a 1 year internship with a high chance of publication and presenting at national conventions, but requires 8 hours a week. So is it worth it? Its not even related to medicine. I don't if its good for him so I would be grateful to get advice from u guys. (P.S he wants apply to top 20 medical school)

What is he going to do with the remaining 160 hours of his week? Or did you mean 80 hours/week? Because an 8 hr/week time commitment is really not something you take a year off to do...

EDIT: I just realized that your friend could still be in school too :laugh: If that's the case, nvm!
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I heard of an internship that my friend friend got into, it was about "Cloud formation and how it affects global warming", it is a 1 year internship with a high chance of publication and presenting at national conventions, but requires 8 hours a week. So is it worth it? Its not even related to medicine. I don't if its good for him so I would be grateful to get advice from u guys. (P.S he wants apply to top 20 medical school)

If this is something your friend is interested in, go ahead!
yh he is in school right now, but overall isn't a 1 year commitment a bit too much?
yh he is in school right now, but overall isn't a 1 year commitment a bit too much?

You really can't do substantial research with only a few months. If this is going to be an internship while in school, I don't see the harm...I worked 14 hours/week in lab in addition to school for a year.
I heard of an internship that my friend friend got into, it was about "Cloud formation and how it affects global warming", it is a 1 year internship with a high chance of publication and presenting at national conventions, but requires 8 hours a week. So is it worth it? Its not even related to medicine. I don't if its good for him so I would be grateful to get advice from u guys. (P.S he wants apply to top 20 medical school)

That's it? That's barely anything. The usual minimum standard for research time is 10 hours/week for undergrads, and most labs want to see a commitment of 2 years if a person has serious hopes of churning out something substantial. I personally put in an average of 20 hours a week in undergrad which increased to 40+ for a month every now and then (I got away with it by planning my schedule around my research and scheduling those busy months during the most vacation-laden periods of the semester). And that was nothing compared to what I was doing in the summer (70+ hours per week). I did that for three years. For all that trouble I got a thesis, a couple posters at a university poster session, some research credits, and a first author publication (hopefully...submitted awhile ago, waiting to hear back on it).

8 hours per week for a year with national convention presentations and a high chance of a publication is an amazing deal.
I did 14-18 hours a week for my research and it didn't even end with a publication. We just reported back to a company. The good news is we found a way to do a whole log reduction of E. coli on apples. Chances of a huge outbreak dropped overnight and nobody has any idea what I did.

I say the internship sounds worth it.
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