Interventional Cardiology/Radiology associated with Cancer???

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Apr 8, 2018
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Do you guys think that interventional cardiologists and Radiologists have higher risk of getting cancer despite wearing protection??

Radiologists and interventional cardiologist have higher risk of cancer AND aging due to radiation from Xrays???

I've read a few articles about this..

What do you guys think??

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sitting is also the new smoking so rads is getting double whammied
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Ortho has to be the worst. They do so many Intra-op films
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It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Let the data speak for itself.
Ortho has to be the worst. They do so many Intra-op films

Was in an endovascular aortic repair recently that went to ~7.5 Gy / ~120 minutes of fluoro over the course of ~10 hours...
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Do interventional cardiologists have a shorter life span compared to the average physician ?
do they have a higher incidence of cancer Compared to other physicians ?
wear your lead , be mindful about it and It’s not going to make a huge difference .