Interview Attire

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7+ Year Member
May 19, 2016
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For interviews what is your go to shirt color? I have a navy suit but cannot decide between a traditional light blue shirt or light pink and plaid shirt. I know for most job interviews they recommend a more classic look but I was thinking the pink would show a little more personality despite not being as formal. Let me know what you think!

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Whatever makes you feel most comfortable and outgoing IMO! I've interviewed a lot of undergrads and honestly I can only remember the ones who had great personalities and dressed professionally, regardless of whether they wore all gray or black & pink.
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I would go traditional.

OP, Let your personality shine during your interview. Don't worry about making a fashion statement. Keep in mind that you may get some crusty old dentist who's 70+ years old that might have a very old-school idea of the interview. HE/SHE may not like what you're wearing and you don't want that to work against you. Cater to your audience.
Navy is a good color. I would do a search on here for interview attire recommendations and go with that.
This is just my opinion, but your dental school interview is one of the most important interviews of your life. Better to play it safe and go traditional. You will have many other opportunities to look snazzy in a suit.
Just don't do the pink or bright blue "I'm going clubbing" shirt I saw so many wearing at my interviews.