is a calculator provided on the chemistry section?

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10+ Year Member
Jul 18, 2012
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some of these chemical problems are a little intense do on paper is there a calculator provided?

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No you don't. The good news is that most of the Chemistry is conceptual so you're not going to be doing a million acid/base problems. Quantitative is similar but there are those problems where you wish you could have a calculator, like when there are 20 values and you need to find the mean when answer choices are A: 70 B: 71, etc...

Honestly, a calculator wouldn't help much anyway.
No calculator on the exam, you actually don't need one at all, all calculations could be simplified into much simpler calculations, if you would like you can message me and I'll teach you some tricks that helped me cut my time by half.

Ps. I am a math teacher.
I answered all of the theory questions and skipped anything with math that might have taken up my time. I ended up with an 81 and that's with me pissing my pants (couldn't take a break in between bio and chem).