Medical Is being a legacy helpful?

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Jun 11, 2010
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Hi all,

Rising junior with a 3.95 GPA, no MCAT yet...(Plan to take MCAT next May)
Both parents, a grandmother, an aunt and an uncle all graduated from Einstein. Will that be helpful in the admission process?
Thank you so much!

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I am going to study my hardest for the MCAT and will continue to volunteer and do community service.

I was just wondering about the legacy because a lot of undergraduate colleges look at legacy when they admit students and I was curious if medical schools did the same.
Medical school is a different beast. Gotta get in yourself. May be a nice topic at an interview though. Nice job on GPA. Crush your MCAT and balance your ECs and get in.

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Legacy status can sometimes tip you over the edge of getting an interview if you were very close anyway, but it will not compensate for a low MCAT or GPA, nor will it make up for any other true glaring deficiencies in your application.
And generally, a legacy may get a polite interview invite, followed by an even more polite spot on a wait which at the end of the cycle is followed by an ever more polite rejection letter.
And generally, a legacy may get a polite interview invite, followed by an even more polite spot on a wait which at the end of the cycle is followed by an ever more polite rejection letter.
Agree, I know multiple people who went to medical schools where their parents went and got an interview (when they probably shouldn't have) and then ended up on the waitlist or rejection list.
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