Is it okay to do DIY Post-Bacc at community college? (Low GPA)

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Nov 4, 2016
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I recently graduate with a degree is microbiology and my GPA was 2.7 However, at the university I attended I did not need organic chemistry, physics, or any anatomy/physiology for my degree. So I still need to take those classes and probably biochemistry. Is it ok to do these at salt lake community college or should I do it at a school with a better recognition, University of Utah. I am not looking for the easy way, just the cheapest way. My undergraduate has a very good upward grade trend and I am confident that I will do good on the MCAT. I know my GPA is low but I also know if I work hard I will get in somewhere (M.D. or D.O.) eventually. Any other post-bacc programs at other schools that I qualify for would be helpful to know too.

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I strongly advise against doing all of your science classes at cc. This is generally frowned upon. One or two classes at cc (like physics) can even be a gamble depending on the medical schools you plan to apply to, however all science classes will severely limit your options.