Junior taking a gap year

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10+ Year Member
Jan 14, 2013
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I am currently a junior and I will apply at the end of my senior year (so I am taking a gap year). I expect my science GPA to be a 3.57 and overall gpa ot be a 3.68 when I apply.

MCAT: 31

I am also an Illinois resident.

Extra currics:

Pre-health club (3 years by the time I graduate) w/ 2 years in a leadership role. I was responsible for planning events and keeping track of the activity of 100+ members.
Community service club (3 years by graduation) ~1 hour a week
Work on campus (2 years by graduation) ~ 6 hours a week
Minor roles with another club (2 years by graduation)
Volunteered at a hospital over the summers. (3 summers by the time I graduate--9 months)
Research: I am starting now so I will have 3 semester by the time I graduate. I am choosing between an infant cognition lab (just have to jot down data) vs a "real science lab" --will one look better than the other?

Shadowed for 50ish hours with (MDs and DOs). I will have a DO letter of rec.

Also can I apply to SIU if I go to college near it (hour away) but I am from Chicago?

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ECs look good. But why would you want to go to SIU lol :laugh:
You will be rather competitive at any DO school. I can see CCOM being interested for sure if you wish to stay in IL.

You should be set for an MD acceptance if you pick a good mix of schools where you are competitive.