Kaplan qbank vs usmlerx vs uworld

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Aug 23, 2008
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Which one should i be focusing on if I'm about 30 days away from my exam, Kaplan qbank or usmlerx qbank?

I also have uworld btw, so should I just focus on that?

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Depends on what your strengths and weaknesses are. UWorld will do the best job of preparing you for the exam. If you're already doing pretty well on UWorld, then Kaplan will do a better job of helping you focus on minutiae. If you want to make another pass of FA, then Rx will help you learn those facts... but the last 30 days probably isn't the time for that.

Regardless, you should finish all of UWorld. It's definitely the best one. How many questions do you have left?
Depends on what your strengths and weaknesses are. UWorld will do the best job of preparing you for the exam. If you're already doing pretty well on UWorld, then Kaplan will do a better job of helping you focus on minutiae. If you want to make another pass of FA, then Rx will help you learn those facts... but the last 30 days probably isn't the time for that.

Regardless, you should finish all of UWorld. It's definitely the best one. How many questions do you have left?

It's obviously unanimous that UWorld is not only the most important but also the one to finish on.

However, since the final month's focus should always be FA + UWorld, no questions asked, since USMLE Rx is essentially a hardcore reinforcer of FA, I would leave out Kaplan altogether. No one would deny that Kaplan could obviously help, but if it's Rx or Kaplan, in the final month, given that you've already finished UWorld, Rx is the one to go with, hands down. If you haven't finished UWorld, focus on that alone until T-minus 2weeks. Then in the final two weeks, just FA and maybe some NBMEs, but not Rx. Only do Rx >2 weeks out if you've finished UWorld. Enough said.

I'm almost 85% finished with Rx at this point, and even though I still know my knowledge of FA needs tweaking, without it, there's no way I would have as deep of an understanding or recognition of the subtle details in the book as I do now.
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It's obviously unanimous that UWorld is not only the most important but also the one to finish on.

However, since the final month's focus should always be FA + UWorld, no questions asked, since USMLE Rx is essentially a hardcore reinforcer of FA, I would leave out Kaplan altogether. No one would deny that Kaplan could obviously help, but if it's Rx or Kaplan, in the final month, given that you've already finished UWorld, Rx is the one to go with, hands down. If you haven't finished UWorld, focus on that alone until T-minus 2weeks. Then in the final two weeks, just FA and maybe some NBMEs, but not Rx. Only do Rx >2 weeks out if you've finished UWorld. Enough said.

I'm almost 85% finished with Rx at this point, and even though I still know my knowledge of FA needs tweaking, without it, there's no way I would have as deep of an understanding or recognition of the subtle details in the book as I do now.

What about using Rx as the first question bank? i.e. I am planning on doing the FA express videos for my first pass of FA and doing Rx questions to help reinforce FA. Then I was planning on moving on to U world
If you are already solid with FA USMLERx isn't your best bet. I've finished both UW, Kaplan, & plan to finish USMLERx in the next 2 weeks. Simply put, in terms of difficulty, UW>Kaplan>>>USMLERx. IMO anyway, USMLERx isn't really that difficult. Kaplan will help you actually LEARN more information. USMLERx definitely is perfect got reinforcing FA but in terms of really learning important information you may have glanced over in FA I definitely recommend Kaplan.
Am I the only one that finds UWorld substantially easier than Kaplan? I'm only ~400 questions into UWorld (100% finished Kaplan) but the questions are on bigger concepts and allow for reasoning, whereas Kaplan doesn't.

I don't know, OP. If you finish UWorld twice, then maybe do Kaplan. So far I like UWorld 100x more than Kaplan and I feel like it will prepare me so much better for the exam.
Am I the only one that finds UWorld substantially easier than Kaplan? I'm only ~400 questions into UWorld (100% finished Kaplan) but the questions are on bigger concepts and allow for reasoning, whereas Kaplan doesn't.

I don't know, OP. If you finish UWorld twice, then maybe do Kaplan. So far I like UWorld 100x more than Kaplan and I feel like it will prepare me so much better for the exam.

Leaving Kaplan & going back to UW I definitely realized that UW questions are of higher quality (the questions are written better). I still found UW harder though. I guess it's all up to the individual person.
Leaving Kaplan & going back to UW I definitely realized that UW questions are of higher quality (the questions are written better). I still found UW harder though. I guess it's all up to the individual person.

Yeah, I think it's all individual preference. By the way, how was the Kaplan full-length? I have both UWSAs, but do you think I should do the Kaplan full-lengths as well (or, in other words, was it a good use of your time)?