General Lacking clinical work experience

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Sep 4, 2006
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I graduated college this year in May and am planning on applying in 2020 cycle.

I will have research and nonclinical experience; however, my clinical experience will be 1 year I did while in undergrad with a program (ER) and the other will be hospice which should be about 1 year as well.

The hospice is currently what I'm doing and plan to continue through app cycle.

Basically, I was really looking for a scribe job that I can do part time while preparing for the MCAT but haven't heard anything and found another job doing lab work at my undergrad.

Would this be okay clinical experience? Total hours may be around 200-250 for both experiences. I really don't want to limit my application any more since my undergrad wasn't that big or competitive

Also, if I have meaningful experiences that I would like to list as most meaningful but am no longer doing them (program ended), would that come across as odd considering it will be 2 years dated from when I apply?

PS I'm concerned because I read Gonnif's post some time ago saying that clinical work experience is the new norm.
You haven't mentioned what type of program you plan to apply to, but I'll presume you mean to apply to medical schools since you mention Most Meaningful designations. Both AMCAS and TMDSAS have this.

The current cycle is the "2020" cycle for med schools since current applicants will matriculate in 2020. If you mean to apply in the next few months, how many hours of volunteer clinical experience will you have completed? If you mean to apply in 11 months, then a total of 200-250 completed hours will be fine. Future hours aren't taken into consideration by AMCAS schools the way they are with TMDSAS (Texas public) schools.

At this time, very few medical schools discriminate against volunteer positions (vs employment) for gaining clinical experience. It's different for PA schools, which specify work experience.

AMCAS Most Meaningful experiences need not be related to current activities. A two-year-old activity won't be considered odd.

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