Last Minute VMCAS Question! HELP

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Jul 26, 2022
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Hi! Applications are due tomorrow and still one of my transcripts is not updated on the website as received even though I confirmed with Parchment (the transcript sending service) that it was delivered to VMCAS successfully. I spoke with a VMCAS representative and they said as long as its postmarked by the deadline I am ok. Does that mean I am fine?

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Hi! Applications are due tomorrow and still one of my transcripts is not updated on the website as received even though I confirmed with Parchment (the transcript sending service) that it was delivered to VMCAS successfully. I spoke with a VMCAS representative and they said as long as its postmarked by the deadline I am ok. Does that mean I am fine?

You should be okay. It may come in tomorrow morning, I sent one of mine in on Thursday night and got the email from Parchment about VMCAS receiving it early Friday morning. I didn’t hear anything over the weekend (I’m assuming because VMCAS was closed) and then it actually posted to my application on Monday morning, so it sounds like it takes a day or two for the system to catch up. If the VMCAS rep said you would be okay as long as it was postmarked as before the 15th then you should be good. I’ve seen other threads on here about the same thing and the answer always seems to be that long as you’ve sent it to them before the deadline then you’re okay.
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This is my first year applying and I am confused about the verification process. All of the transcripts, LORs, and transcript entries have been in for weeks and I submitted my VMCAS applications last week. My main concern is if certain colleges do not accept your application if it is not verified as well as submitted by Sep. 15th. My status is still completed and the Sep. 15 deadline is tomorrow. Virginia-Maryland states in their emails that the application does not have to be verified by the 15th just submitted with all required materials. Is this the same for all schools? Will my application not be looked at if not verified by the 15th? I have tried looking up the answer, especially for my top choices like The Ohio State and Penn Vet but can't find any definite answers. Any information would be much appreciated.
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Unless they have changed things since I applied, it just needs to be submitted by the 15th at 11:59:59 pm. Verification can happen later but they don’t look at the app until it’s verified.
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