Least favorite subject

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Heroic Necromancer
20+ Year Member
Dec 13, 2001
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Reviewing for the MCAT has brought back two subjects that I had hoped i'd never see again. God I despise NMR from ochem (trained monkey lab crap!) and Magnetism(i got a right hand rule for you and it involves my middle finger) from physics. May these subjects burn in hell.

Please post about what you hate.

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I hate magnetism too! Most of all, I hate Fischer projections and determining R or S configuration.
Originally posted by ATPase
I hate magnetism too! Most of all, I hate Fischer projections and determining R or S configuration.

I was never good at stereoisomers, in fact I hated them. I also hated acid/base titrations in gen chem, they werent really hard but just a boring pain in my ass.
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I've never been a big fan of the claisen condensation, sugars (pyranose, furanose, alpha, beta etc.), capacitors, or circuits.
I always hated those force diagrams where the object was in equilibrium...I had a mean problem like that on the MCAT last year that I couldn't figure out. I think I picked C.
tie between gchem, calc and pchem.
i loved o-chem, but p-chem drilled a new a$$hole into me.
how can I not post this?

I feel like I've been locked up tight
For a century of lonely nights;
Waiting for some base
To react with.
Your ethoxide ion is blowing electrons my way
But that don't mean I?m gonna give my alpha hydrogen away;
Base-y, base-y, base-y.
(Base-y, base-y, base-y.)
Oh whoa...
My carbonyl's saying go.
And my alpha carbon is saying so.
If you wanna be with me, base-y, there's a price you pay.
I'm an alpha carbon, you gotta rub my hydrogens the right way.
If you wanna react with me, I can make your wish come true.
You gotta come attack me base-y, I gotta like what you do.
I'm an alpha carbon base-y.
Gotta rub my hydrogens the right way.
I'm an alpha carbon base-y.
Come, come, come activate me.

Beaker's full and conditions are right,
I need a carbonyl and the product's in sight;
Waiting for some base
To react with me.
The enolate is attacking the carbonyl right,
Tetrahedral intermediate is now in sight;
Base-y, base-y, base-y.
(Base-y, base-y, base-y.)
Oh whoa...
My carbonyl's saying go.
Oh whoa...

And my alpha carbon is saying so.
If you wanna be with me, base-y, there's a price you pay.
I'm an alpha carbon, you gotta rub my hydrogens the right way.
If you wanna react with me, I can make your wish come true.
Come tautomerize me, base-y, and I'll be with you.
I'm an alpha carbon, base-y.
Gotta rub my hydrogens the right way.
I'm an alpha carbon, base-y.
Come, come, come activate me.
Oh whoa...
My carbonyl's saying go.
Oh whoa...
And my alpha carbon's saying so.
If you wanna react with me, base-y, there's a price you pay.
I'm an alpha carbon, you gotta rub my hydrogens the right way.
If you wanna react with me, I can make your wish come true.
You gotta come attack me, base-y, I gotta like what you do.
If you wanna react with me, base-y, there's a price you pay.
I'm an alpha carbon, you gotta rub my hydrogens the right way.
If you wanna react with me, I can make your wish come true.
Come tautomerize me, base-y, and I'll be with you.
I'm an alpha carbon, base-y,
Come, come, come activate me.
HATE g-chem, with calc. being a close second....:( :( :(
I hate organic chemistry because of the mechanisms. I noticed at a few of my interviews they asked me what subject I hated this most. I always said Ochem.