Let's play a game...Is it clinical?

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7+ Year Member
Jun 13, 2015
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(Content and detail redacted to preserve anonymity)

1. (Camp-Counselor at a summer camp for sick kids)

2. (Volunteer at pediatric hospital - non medical duties)

3. (Working with kids with special needs)

4. (Receptionist intern in small med clinic)

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My vote:

1) No
2) Yes
3) No
4) No (Probably the most difficult one for me to sort, still on the fence)

Edit: Oops I put 3 and 4 backwards. Fixed now
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No, yes, no, yes. Basing this on the fact that in #2 and 4, you describe the people with whom you interact as "patients" whereas in the other settings they are not patients.
Ha! Made me realize my mistake.