listing activities AMCAS 2008

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Nov 10, 2004
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quick question: since there's a limit to the number of activities that one can list, and as a "moderatly aged" NTS (28) I have way more now than I did in UG. With that said, if I have a primary job (f/t 9-5 sort of thing), but also have additional pt jobS (4 additional) in which I was involved in at least 2 at a time (i.e. I have 3 jobs total basically at all times), can the pt jobs be listed together as "pt jobs" and indicate in the description the duration and time committment for each? Or do I have to seperate them?

Also for volunteering and shadowing I plan to do post mcat (july) into the new academic year, can those be listed as well with proposed hours, (i.e I plan to undertake a combo of shadowing and volunteering which should ammount to about 5 hrs/week)?

thanks in advance to all who repply?

<think I should post in preallo also?>

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When the blanks are running out and there are still important activities to be listed, I would definately begin creatively grouping things. I think it would be ok to group part-time jobs together. I grouped my shadowing experiences together. You can use the description box to explain the different jobs.