Looking for some options!

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7+ Year Member
Mar 4, 2016
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Hello guys. I am an industrial microbiology student with a 3.70 GPA. I'm in my third year of college in the University of Puerto Rico. For those who do not know (and I do not want to give alot of details) it's the public university of Puerto Rico and it's the best one we have. We are currently on a riot, because the gobernment wants to cut half of our budget and they will probably have to close 8/11 schools including mine. If that happens I'll have literally 0 reasons to stay here, so I am looking for some good schools in the USA (anywhere as long as they're good). I know I'll probably have to start from the beginning. Right now I'm completly stressed and I feel like my future and all my plans are ruined. I wanted to study medicine and I was suppose to finish my BA in 1 year and 1/2. Also, I have an associate degree in chemistry with a 3.73 GPA. Please excuse my grammar, I don't use english very often and thanks for your help.

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