Low gpa, alright MCAT; chances at Caribbean schools?

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Sep 18, 2016
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So, myy GPA is a 2.92 cum, 2.7 sci. and my mcat is 505(28 on the old one). I just finished sending in my transcipts, letters of rec etc. to St. George, AUC and Ross. Because of my low gpa, I was wondering what are my chances of getting into these schools(non MERP). For EC's they're above average(200+ shadowing hours, 300+ volunteer work including international work etc.)

I know my mcat is above their averages, but my gpa is so much lower, so I'm a little worried.

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You have nothing to worry about.
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A few questions.
Do you have a pulse?
Are you able to procure loans for your tuition?

If so, then yes !
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If you just take a year or so to retake some classes you would have a decent shot a DO schools. Much safer option in my opinion.
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You like the idea of being unemployed and deeply in debt?

Why do you think that you can handle medical school with such a poor GPA?

So, myy GPA is a 2.92 cum, 2.7 sci. and my mcat is 505(28 on the old one). I just finished sending in my transcipts, letters of rec etc. to St. George, AUC and Ross. Because of my low gpa, I was wondering what are my chances of getting into these schools(non MERP). For EC's they're above average(200+ shadowing hours, 300+ volunteer work including international work etc.)

I know my mcat is above their averages, but my gpa is so much lower, so I'm a little worried.
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Considering your MCAT you really shouldn't go Caribbean
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Have you done any research into why you shouldn't even think of going to the Caribbean? If not do it before you maybe make the biggest mistake of your life.

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I have a similar AMCAS GPA (with a HIGH upward trend.)
Retake those course where you have performed poorly (aka received a grade lower than a C) and apply to DO schools.
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I thought the Carribean route was a death trap as well until I read up on it a little more. This blog changed my mind on it: http://bemoacademicconsulting.com/blog/files/carribean-medica-schools-review . I know a friend who is going down this route now will update you on how they get on on the other side - lol
Of course they put a positive spin on it. They are selling consulting services to help you get into schools that usually only require a pulse and loan qualification. They obviously have a reason to encourage you to apply... Many people are successful with the Caribbean route, however, many more are decimated by it.
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Chances are spectacular. Chances that you fail out/get weeded out/end up with an unsalvageable residency app, also spectacular.
Don't do it man. Do an SMP, do really well in it, retake the MCAT, and then apply DO next year
Alrighty, will do :thumbup:

I can't believe you chose the Caribbean route with a 510 MCAT. You potentially could have had so many D.O. II's and acceptances if you just waited a cycle and applied early.

Anyways, I guess it's too late for that now, and I wish you the best of luck! I'll check in on the blog from time to time.
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So, myy GPA is a 2.92 cum, 2.7 sci. and my mcat is 505(28 on the old one). I just finished sending in my transcipts, letters of rec etc. to St. George, AUC and Ross. Because of my low gpa, I was wondering what are my chances of getting into these schools(non MERP). For EC's they're above average(200+ shadowing hours, 300+ volunteer work including international work etc.)

I know my mcat is above their averages, but my gpa is so much lower, so I'm a little worried.
So, myy GPA is a 2.92 cum, 2.7 sci. and my mcat is 505(28 on the old one). I just finished sending in my transcipts, letters of rec etc. to St. George, AUC and Ross. Because of my low gpa, I was wondering what are my chances of getting into these schools(non MERP). For EC's they're above average(200+ shadowing hours, 300+ volunteer work including international work etc.)

I know my mcat is above their averages, but my gpa is so much lower, so I'm a little worried.

Hey there, I would like to know which med schools on your list accepted you.