Low PT observation hours

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Jul 3, 2015
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Hi, So i just recently decided I wanted to go to physical therapy school. I was in the pre-med track through college but decided I wanted to stay more therapy focused and work with dancers/gymnasts/athletes, plus my undergrad degree was in exercise science, so I'm extremely interested in that field.
ANWAYS- I don't have that many PT observation hours even though I have been working hard to get them for the next application cycle the past few weeks.
I currently have about 30, trying to get to 100 before the applications closes
My overall gpa is 3.79 and pre-req gpa is around 3.9. I have almost 300 hours of extracurricular/volunteer hours, and expect to do well on GRE, preliminary score before studying was 302.

I need advice on how much low PT observation hours will affect me and maybe some schools that have lower hour requirements.

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Well...a lot of schools have a minimum number of hours required, so you need to do that research yourself. Most of the schools I looked at required 100, some 200. You won't get accepted if you don't meet the minimum requirements, and really, you should observe more before you apply. Sports therapy is a tiny part of physical therapy. Are you willing to work outside of athletes, with geriatrics or pediatrics or in a hospital?
There are plenty of schools who require 40 observation hours or under (eg: BU, Hartford, AT Still, UIC, Rosalind Franklin, MGH...) If you can accumulate 100, great! If not, look for those.
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Yeah, I've observed pediatrics and love it. Also I'm doing an internship with cardiopulmonary rehab at the hospital starting in August. I was just saying being a dancer is what got me more interested in PT. thanks for school recommendations!
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Yeah, I've observed pediatrics and love it. Also I'm doing an internship with cardiopulmonary rehab at the hospital starting in August. I was just saying being a dancer is what got me more interested in PT. thanks for school recommendations!

Adding the cardiac rehab hours to extracurricular activities would be a big plus as well. I applied to a school that required at least 40 hours in two different settings (with a recommendation letter from at least 2 PTs). I also applied to two other schools that didn't require any hours, but then you wouldn't even be considered as a competitive applicant if you had a low amount. The school that I got in required none, but everyone who's in my class had an upwards of 3oo-45o in at least 3 different settings.
Yeah, I've observed pediatrics and love it. Also I'm doing an internship with cardiopulmonary rehab at the hospital starting in August. I was just saying being a dancer is what got me more interested in PT. thanks for school recommendations!

Gotcha, glad you're interested in other specialities too! :) It sounds like you're on the right track then.