Managing coursework for TPR MCAT ultimate class ??

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7+ Year Member
May 29, 2016
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So I just started the TPR live online ultimate course for the MCAT. I will be taking the MCAT Jan 19 so I have about 3.5 months, but the course lasts for two months. Basically I have been feeling very overwhelmed with the amount of homework and readings that are assigned after each class. I've found myself spending so much time pre-reading before class that I don't have any time to do any of the other assignments and I am falling behind. For those of you who have taken the class, should I constrict my content review to just my class notes and then spend more time practicing instead of reading the TPR books? I feel like I understand the content quicker and better in class than when reading the books, but I am not sure if the classes are enough for content.

Thank you!

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So I just started the TPR live online ultimate course for the MCAT. I will be taking the MCAT Jan 19 so I have about 3.5 months, but the course lasts for two months. Basically I have been feeling very overwhelmed with the amount of homework and readings that are assigned after each class. I've found myself spending so much time pre-reading before class that I don't have any time to do any of the other assignments and I am falling behind. For those of you who have taken the class, should I constrict my content review to just my class notes and then spend more time practicing instead of reading the TPR books? I feel like I understand the content quicker and better in class than when reading the books, but I am not sure if the classes are enough for content.

Thank you!

I know several friends who felt the same way, even with the live in-person review course over the summer. It just ended up being burnout-inducing, which is why I have never once recommended these things to anyone.

You seem to have figured out what works best for you. That's the greatest advantage you have right now, use it.

You do you my friend. These courses are generally cookie cutter, and as such, you may not fit in their one-size-fits-all approach.