MCPHS Interview

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5+ Year Member
Feb 2, 2017
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Hey guys,

I was offered an interview from the MCPHS DPT program and will be going this Wednesday, March 1. I was so happy when I got the email but now after reading some things online about grad school interviews I have been getting increasingly nervous for it.

If anyone on here has gone on an interview at MCPHS I was hoping I would be able to gain some information about what to expect. Any details about the process would be greatly appreciated.

Also, if anyone has an upcoming interview with MCPHS how are you preparing for it?


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There are typically a total of four interviewees per group. The interview process consisted of a short writing section (typical prompts such as why PT, a memorable experience, etc.), a one-on-one interview with a faculty member (they have a list of questions they ask, or at least mine did, a presentation about the program, and finally a tour of the facilities. Also, it is an open book interview, meaning they have all of your information right in front of them so be sure to review your application and be prepared to talk about any weaknesses or elaborate on something you think is unique. Hope this helps!
There are typically a total of four interviewees per group. The interview process consisted of a short writing section (typical prompts such as why PT, a memorable experience, etc.), a one-on-one interview with a faculty member (they have a list of questions they ask, or at least mine did, a presentation about the program, and finally a tour of the facilities. Also, it is an open book interview, meaning they have all of your information right in front of them so be sure to review your application and be prepared to talk about any weaknesses or elaborate on something you think is unique. Hope this helps!

Thanks a lot for your answer!! This does help a lot.

Do you know if the interviews are offered to a lot of applicants or only those MCPHS already may have good intention to accept? Seems like the majority of people I have talked to who received an interview were then accepted soon after.

One other question I have is from your experience what was the typical attire of students at the interview? I am a guy and have been going back and forth as to whether I should wear a suit or if a dress shirt and tie is enough.

Thank you for your response!
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Hey, I don't know how many interviews they send out but from what I can recall when I scheduled my interview was 8 applicants per day and interviews were only once a week, so it's not like they are sending interview's left and right. I went into the interview with a 3.3 pre-req GPA and was accepted. Given that you have an interview with the program, I would say the hardest part is over and your application passed the initial application screening. The best advice I could give to you is to prepare for the interview and try to be as genuine as possible. If there are some weak spots in your application be sure to prepare how to answer any questions that pertain to that. What I did a week or so before my interviews was write down and review common DPT interview questions, research some currents issues/topics in the field, and research the highlights of the program. There was no serious questions that stumped me during my interview. I'm not sure if you read previous years posts about the interview process at MCPHS, where the interviewee would grill you on all your answers, but this was not the case during my interview (not sure about how the other interviewers are).

I would definitely wear a suit. They take pride in being a professional campus where a White Coat is usually worn everyday while on campus. "If you look good, you feel good." Deion Sanders.

Feel free to ask any other questions! These forums helped relieve a lot of stress about applying and interviewing with programs.
Hey, I don't know how many interviews they send out but from what I can recall when I scheduled my interview was 8 applicants per day and interviews were only once a week, so it's not like they are sending interview's left and right. I went into the interview with a 3.3 pre-req GPA and was accepted. Given that you have an interview with the program, I would say the hardest part is over and your application passed the initial application screening. The best advice I could give to you is to prepare for the interview and try to be as genuine as possible. If there are some weak spots in your application be sure to prepare how to answer any questions that pertain to that. What I did a week or so before my interviews was write down and review common DPT interview questions, research some currents issues/topics in the field, and research the highlights of the program. There was no serious questions that stumped me during my interview. I'm not sure if you read previous years posts about the interview process at MCPHS, where the interviewee would grill you on all your answers, but this was not the case during my interview (not sure about how the other interviewers are).

I would definitely wear a suit. They take pride in being a professional campus where a White Coat is usually worn everyday while on campus. "If you look good, you feel good." Deion Sanders.

Feel free to ask any other questions! These forums helped relieve a lot of stress about applying and interviewing with programs.

That's awesome, congrats on getting accepted! How long after the interview was it until you received your acceptance? Will you be attending their program?

And yes, exactly as you said it, I read a few forums where people from previous years said they felt their answers were being harshly judged. This is part of the reason my nerves skyrocketed but I am glad to hear you had a different experience.

Just a couple more questions, I promise haha.... were you interviewed by a professor of the physical therapy department or by someone on the admissions board? And also, do you think it is necessary to bring things like a copy of my resume or a notebook and pen?
That's awesome, congrats on getting accepted! How long after the interview was it until you received your acceptance? Will you be attending their program?

And yes, exactly as you said it, I read a few forums where people from previous years said they felt their answers were being harshly judged. This is part of the reason my nerves skyrocketed but I am glad to hear you had a different experience.

Just a couple more questions, I promise haha.... were you interviewed by a professor of the physical therapy department or by someone on the admissions board? And also, do you think it is necessary to bring things like a copy of my resume or a notebook and pen?

I was interviewed by the new Director of the program. She was very friendly, so don't feel anxious about interviewing with her. I can't say how any of the other interviewers are, but I assume from what people in my group said to be friendly as well. Bring a pen, as you will need to write your essay during the interview process. A notebook isn't really necessary as they give you a folder to begin with, but if you have one it doesn't hurt to bring it.

I was accepted roughly a week after I interview. However, I will be declining my spot. Good luck on your interview and hope you get accepted! Cheers!