Meaning of date degree "earned"?

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7+ Year Member
Mar 20, 2014
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I have an odd question. I completed all coursework for my degree in year 2010 and that is the date through which I attended that college (end date). However, I did not file for graduation and receive my diploma until year 2014 (strange story and I didn't need my diploma). Oddly, AMCAS will only allow one to earn a degree 1 year after the last coursework was completed. Which scenario do you recommend?

1. I completed coursework in 2010, never attended that college after 2010 and earned the degree in 2010 (even though transcript will say "degree awarded 2014")?
2. should I extend the "attended date" through 2014 (even though I didn't attend for 4 years) and then select 2014 as the date the degree was "earned" because that is when it was awarded? (this is what AMCAS helpline suggested) BUT, it makes it look like I took 8 years to complete my degree! I know adcoms can see I never attended classes at that college after 2010, but I did attend classes at other colleges (certificate program and to improve my BCPM) and they may think I needed those to graduate.

Please help.

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Ok, thank you both! I wasn't trying to falsify anything, just reading too much into "date earned" and worrying about it looking like it took 8 years for me to finish my degree.
I'm trying to say this in the nicest possible way, but do take extra care with the CARS section.
Harsh crowd! I figured your question* might be a shot at my situation, but to me "date earned" =/= "date awarded."

And I didn't want to "falsify" my dates of attendance at a school I quit attending 4 years previously so I could put in the correct degree date awarded/earned.
So, I guess there will be some "falsifying" either way I go.

Thanks again for the quick responses, @Goro and @LizzyM!

*on the old MCAT I got a 95th percentile verbal score, the sciences weren't as great. I thought you were referring to my retake. :)
Your transcript and application should match. It will be a bit confusing and you might get questions about it at interview but I'm sure you have an interesting story.