Medical Indemnity Insurance for UK Electives???

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Mar 25, 2017
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I’ve done electives in the UK and Ireland every year. 2 years ago MPS, MDU and MDDU stopped giving insurance to EU students. So i posted and paid a lot of money to use AMPI for my elective last year. Went to renew this year and AMPI have temporarily suspended this service and could not recommend another company. Does anyone know of anywhere??? I’m supposed to start in OBGYN in 10 days and have been chasing insurance for months. Hospital can’t insure me. I’ve echausted every option in my own country as the premium is too high for our insurers to cover. Thanks!!!

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Hi, I'm a foreign medical student wishing to do an elective in UK but I can't find out any insurance company.
I'm in exactly the same situation as yours and I really wonder if you'd find any solutions to get malpractice insurance!!!