Medical school and Pharmacy school at the same time?

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Jan 29, 2018
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I know there are some combined programs such as MD/MBA, MD/MPH, MD/JD, that are longer than the regular 4 year medical school.

I did not find any universities that offer a MD/PharmD junction program. Is it possible to apply for both schools at the same university and do them at the same time?

If not, which one would be smarter to go through first?

Thank you

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Why would you want to do them both? Do you want to be a physician or a pharmacist? Theres not much value in having both, as the degrees are not complementary, in my opinion.

You won't be able to do them both at the same time. Pharmacy school is essentially it's own form of medical school with a different focus and equally as hard. It's not really worth it to do one then the other. The only thing that is beneficial is going to medical school after pharmacy school makes medical school a lot easier.
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The reason why they aren’t offered is because there’s no purpose for them.

You cannot practice both simultaneously.

Also I don’t think it’s possible to attend a PharmD program and a MD program simultaneously.

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To follow up with what others have said, if you really have an interest in being both a physician and having a career in drug development, you could (1) pursue research in that area, or (2) some schools offer a combined MD/MS in clinical research or something similar. Many physicians become involved to some degree with clinical trials or as consultants to pharmaceutical companies, and some leave clinical work altogether to work in the pharmaceutical industry. A PharmD wouldn't really add anything to an MD/DO in terms of jobs.
Sounds like you would want a PhD in medicinal chemistry. Some schools may allow that combination as long as they have a college of pharmacy.
It’s naive to think it would be useful and worth it to pursue both degrees. That’s fine.

It’s flat out stupid to think you could attend both schools separately at the same time. That’s ****ing crazy.

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