Men, any hookups with female attendings?

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I used to "date" an IM attending 12 years my senior, but I guess it doesn't really count since I was in college. Looking back on the situation however, I realize a few of things.
1. She was really, really busy and our relationship consisted of late night meet ups at her place. (seemed normal at the time) I don't think we had one conversation of any depth, and I think she thought I was a *****.
2. She was a nice person, but I also think she was just trying to antagonize her ex-fiancee (a surgeon at the same university hospital who had apparently cheated on her with a scrub nurse) by sleeping with the middle linebacker on the college football team.
3. As smart as medical doctors are, some are just as crazy. What a woman.:love:
4. No way would I do that on a rotation.


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I used to "date" an IM attending 12 years my senior, but I guess it doesn't really count since I was in college. Looking back on the situation however, I realize a few of things.
1. She was really, really busy and our relationship consisted of late night meet ups at her place. (seemed normal at the time) I don't think we had one conversation of any depth, and I think she thought I was a *****.
2. She was a nice person, but I also think she was just trying to antagonize her ex-fiancee (a surgeon at the same university hospital who had apparently cheated on her with a scrub nurse) by sleeping with the middle linebacker on the college football team.
3. As smart as medical doctors are, some are just as crazy. What a woman.:love:
4. No way would I do that on a rotation.

How did you guys meet?
You haven't met many med students and residents have you?! ;)

LOL! No, I haven't. However, I'm looking at this from a VERY different perspective from the vast majority of medical students: most medical students are young enough to be my kids. While I'm certain there will be a fair number of students who'll be in their 30's and 40's, there just aren't that many in their 50's. If the time ever comes that I'm single again, I just can't see me getting all hot and bothered over someone who's young enough to be my son! :D
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That isn't the case most of the time actually -- you may know one or two anecdotal "hearsay" cases but assuming arguendo they are true, these folks could have reversed the situation with better representation. Superiors (attendings) who take advantage of their position in this way are walking liabilities. While one lawsuit might not eliminate all the value the institution has invested in such person, the repeated patterns of such walking liabilities tend to make it cheaper to lose them like a bad cold. Hospitals have large legal teams who work day and night to keep hospitals out of legal hot water, and the best legal advice when this kind of situation happens is almost always to dump the attending. The med student who is discharged will sue, and will often win giving his tenuous career position, the inequality of positions, and given the current sexual harrassment lawsuit environment. Which is why all hospitals have handbooks which frown upon such relationships. This gives hospitals a built in basis on which to dismiss the attending -- ie for breaking the rules.
Don't buy into Grey's Anatomy. This is but one more "fake" thing about the show.

The other side to this is that an attending can afford legal representation, while a low-level employee or a med student cannot (unless they have access to family money or the like). I don't think these would be contingency cases.
LOL! No, I haven't. However, I'm looking at this from a VERY different perspective from the vast majority of medical students: most medical students are young enough to be my kids. While I'm certain there will be a fair number of students who'll be in their 30's and 40's, there just aren't that many in their 50's. If the time ever comes that I'm single again, I just can't see me getting all hot and bothered over someone who's young enough to be my son! :D

Just so you know it can be done; there was that really old guy that was a med student or resident (don't remember which) under Alex Karev (I had to look his name up on ABC's website), OH yeah, but I think he had a heart attack or something. LOL

Good luck to you!!
The other side to this is that an attending can afford legal representation, while a low-level employee or a med student cannot (unless they have access to family money or the like). I don't think these would be contingency cases.

Of course it would. Hospitals are huge deep pockets and well insured. And the hospital itself is often liable (due to negligent supervision, fostering a hostile work environment etc), for the harrassment actions of its attendings (which is why the attending is the one who gets dumped - to cut off that kind of walking liability). What representation the attending can afford is meaningless when s/he is going to get lumped in with the hospital as defendants in a seven digit lawsuit.
Oh I see. You are all talking about the dating, right? That is very funny! I would not date my bosses I think.
On further reading I see that employment discrimination cases are indeed handled on a contingency basis. I wasn't aware of that. But a med student? Can you claim lost future income if you get kicked out of med school unfairly? I have no idea, but I'm curious.
But a med student? Can you claim lost future income if you get kicked out of med school unfairly? I have no idea, but I'm curious.

If your career is ruined by being kicked out of med school because of an attending who sexually harrassed you, you had better believe it. Which is why the rule against dating others you preside over in a supervisory capacity is in every hospital and med school employee handbook. It wasn't put there just to ruin folks good times -- there is very real legal liability here. Which is why in most cases if your attending has half a brain, s/he won't be receptive to med student advances.
If your career is ruined by being kicked out of med school because of an attending who sexually harrassed you, you had better believe it. Which is why the rule against dating others you preside over in a supervisory capacity is in every hospital and med school employee handbook. It wasn't put there just to ruin folks good times -- there is very real legal liability here. Which is why in most cases if your attending has half a brain, s/he won't be receptive to med student advances.

This is good stuff, I am actually learning something!
All women are good. Good for something, or good for nothing.
Just so you know it can be done; there was that really old guy that was a med student or resident (don't remember which) under Alex Karev (I had to look his name up on ABC's website), OH yeah, but I think he had a heart attack or something. LOL

Good luck to you!!

LOL...yes, I know it can be done. In fact, a just couple of years ago, OSU-COM, graduated a man who was 62. When I apply next year, I'll be 52, which means (if I'm accepted next year), I'll be 57 when I graduate. I certainly don't have a problem with that.
What would the point be? You have to do residency too, yes?
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What would the point be? You have to do residency too, yes?

uuuhhhhhh, pretty sure this is the "men, any hookups with female attendings?" thread, not the: "your too old to go to medschool" thread.

Here is a question for you guys: which specialty would you want your lady to be in?

Personally, If I were going to get married to an older attending, I would want it to be a surgeon. That way, she will be gone all day and will make lots of money for be enjoying while I relax/party/whatever.
If your career is ruined by being kicked out of med school because of an attending who sexually harrassed you, you had better believe it. Which is why the rule against dating others you preside over in a supervisory capacity is in every hospital and med school employee handbook. It wasn't put there just to ruin folks good times -- there is very real legal liability here. Which is why in most cases if your attending has half a brain, s/he won't be receptive to med student advances.

What about dating a doc who does not oversee your work, works in a different service, you met in the caf, etc.?

As an aside, I know that I would NOT want her to work in infectious diseases.....
Worst ballsbuster potential wife = OB/GYN

I just can't see me getting all hot and bothered over someone who's young enough to be my son! :D

Have you watched the news recently? Super-hot teacher babes are hooking up with pimply faced pubescent dudes young enuff to be their son like every day in elementary schools all over this country. It's only reasonable that super-hot doctor babes would hook up with pimply faced short-white-coat dudes....
What about dating a doc who does not oversee your work, works in a different service, you met in the caf, etc.?

As an aside, I know that I would NOT want her to work in infectious diseases.....

Well, med students can always do sub-I's and things and end up under attendings in different areas, so most hospitals have blanket rules against fraternization between house faculty and students.
Well, med students can always do sub-I's and things and end up under attendings in different areas, so most hospitals have blanket rules against fraternization between house faculty and students.

I have blanket rules in favor of getting attending ladies under my blankets with me :cool:
Have you watched the news recently? Super-hot teacher babes are hooking up with pimply faced pubescent dudes young enuff to be their son like every day in elementary schools all over this country. It's only reasonable that super-hot doctor babes would hook up with pimply faced short-white-coat dudes....

Frankly, I don't care if they're the most gorgeous male specimen God ever made, they're just not interesting enough. And having sex for the sake of having sex is boring. Boys may be fine getting their jollies that way, but women, on the whole, do not. I have no interest in boys (and I'm including the Peter Pans in this category.) MEN, on the other hand...
I could probably count on one hand the number of girls in my class I would actually want to date... Attractive residents, few and far between. Attractive attendings? I'm going to have to think long and hard about that one.
I have no interest in boys (and I'm including the Peter Pans in this category.) MEN, on the other hand...'d drop trou at the first sniff of their cool water cologne?

The people who say that having sex for the sake of having sex is boring are doing it wrong. Sorry...'d drop trou at the first sniff of their cool water cologne?

The people who say that having sex for the sake of having sex is boring are doing it wrong. Sorry...

No...I would NOT "drop trou at the first sniff of their cool water cologne." My interest in men (not boys), regardless how sexy I might find them, does not automatically translate to I'd go to bed with them. For one thing, my husband would probably take issue with that. :laugh: Even if I were single, it still wouldn't change the fact that women, on the whole, require (or at the very least, very much WANT) an emotional bond between her and her sexual partner. Without at least some sort of emotional bond, the male might as well be having sex with some random hooker or his own hand for all the enjoyment the woman might receive from it. Believe me, that emotional bond makes a world of difference in (1) how the man treats her, and (2) how much pleasure she receives. When a guy can talk about sex in terms other than "scoring" with "super-hot doctor babes" is when women will stop looking at them as little more than hormone-driven teenage boys dressed in adult male bodies.
I have blanket rules in favor of getting attending ladies under my blankets with me

Oh great, another The Todd. Something tells me it's been a very, very long time since you've been with a woman. As others have mentioned, there are very few hot single female doctors out there. And the ones that do exist, you certainly wouldn't want to get on their bad side by flirting with them and having it come out as a disaster.
I met my wife when I was a senior medical student and she was an intern. We didn't start dating until after the rotation, though, and got married about 1.5 years later. Later there was a brief time when I was a senior resident (med/psych) and she was a psychiatry attending at wvu, and then I was a sleep fellow and she was a psychiatry attending at U of MS.
To the OP:

I have actually heard of a female surgical attending asking out a male MS 3 on a date right after his rotation with her was finished. He declined because he was dating a hot nursing student, and I also have no idea what this attending looks like. I have not heard of any such thing happening on IM, family, or peds, but a stroke attending at my own school was flirting with a male student ... in public. One common denominator seems to be that the female attending is in a demanding, time-intensive field that requires aggression to succeed, so the cougar just goes after the tadpole she wants. The other common denominator is that the cougar initiated the interaction, which is consistent with her need for power.
FACT: This thread is getting people hot and bothered
To the OP:

I have actually heard of a female surgical attending asking out a male MS 3 on a date right after his rotation with her was finished. He declined because he was dating a hot nursing student, and I also have no idea what this attending looks like. I have not heard of any such thing happening on IM, family, or peds, but a stroke attending at my own school was flirting with a male student ... in public. One common denominator seems to be that the female attending is in a demanding, time-intensive field that requires aggression to succeed, so the cougar just goes after the tadpole she wants. The other common denominator is that the cougar initiated the interaction, which is consistent with her need for power.

never heard this before, interesting perspective though.
Oh great, another The Todd. Something tells me it's been a very, very long time since you've been with a woman. As others have mentioned, there are very few hot single female doctors out there. And the ones that do exist, you certainly wouldn't want to get on their bad side by flirting with them and having it come out as a disaster.

Is two weeks a very, very long time? Im not exactly casanova, but Id say I get laid a lot more than the average med student ;)
Dude, I saw my attending do a C-section today. Something about her taking charge, cutting things, man-handling the retractors, and hand-tying knots was really ****ing hot.