Mentorship Plan

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WesternU c/o 2024
2+ Year Member
Sep 28, 2019
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I am a current 4th year beginning to apply for jobs. I am looking at mixed animal practices. I am hoping to have a mentorship plan put together to be able to talk through with clinics I interview at. What have your mentorships looked like? What do you think is necessary for a great mentorship?

Thanks in advance!

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I am a current 4th year beginning to apply for jobs. I am looking at mixed animal practices. I am hoping to have a mentorship plan put together to be able to talk through with clinics I interview at. What have your mentorships looked like? What do you think is necessary for a great mentorship?

Thanks in advance!
Not in practice but just heard something that I think is great advice for new grads! Have the rdvm introduce you to clients the first few weeks and hype you up a bit. One of the doctors I talked to said that it seemed tedious at first to get dragged out of appts and stuff to get introduced to others but in the long run clients were so much more open and comfortable talking to them!
For me I knew the most mentoring I needed was in surgery and so I made sure to specifically ask about that and what that might look like especially procedures I was not familiar with doing for the first time.

Now on the flip side as someone who helps mentor, our practice is pretty flexible. For example my mentoring was pretty hands off because I didn't need alot of foundational help, but everyone is different. For the most part surgery is see one, do one with assistance, then do one on your own with observation, then on your own. Medical wise we have done a variety of things. We had our most recent associate do a very structured mentor vet program through like AVMA and weekly topic structured rounds for drs (and techs!) because that's what they needed. We've also done patient rounding as needed. Our practice also pairs you with our most experienced tech for the most part so they can help you succeed. For the first few months your appointments are longer so you have plenty of time to do what you need, research, and ask questions. My boss is moreso the surgical mentor and I do alot of the medical mentoring, but we swap if needed. Since we also do a some emergency call I usually come in with you your first call rotation. We are both usually available by phone and if needed can usually come into the clinic to help if you end up needing help or are in a pickle. I like to ask new grads what do they need in mentorship and how they perfer feedback so we can best help you succeed to be a good vet.

Mentoring is definatetly a 2 way street- we can only teach what one is willing to listen to.

(We're a mixed clinic and hiring BTW 🙂)