Midwestern University (IL) MBS Program 2016

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Apr 21, 2016
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Hey! So I was put on the alternate list for the MBS program at Midwestern University (Downers Grove IL) campus. Has anyone else been put on the list? If so, anyone hear anything from them recently or know any information about movement on their alternate list. I updated them with some things regarding my application and even had an additional letter of recommendation submitted on my behalf. I really hope I'm able to get a spot soon.

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Hey I was accepted back in March. Looking back on their website the deadline is July 15 so you could possibly not hear anything until then, worst case scenario first week of August? Just a guess. I just started a thread for this program. Feel free to watch it if you want....

I wasn't aware of the July 15th deadline. Thanks! And I will definitely keep an eye on your thread. Congrats on your acceptance!
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How long did it take for your admissions decision to be made?

About a month for me. Though my situation is a little different

I applied for their DO program but got rejected around January or February without an interview. They gave me the option to transfer my application to either their MABS or MBS program. I chose the MBS, signed off what I needed to sign off and got accepted the first week of March.

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