Miscalculated hours on AMCAS...already submitted! :(

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Jan 23, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I shadowed some internists for 30 hours. However, when I was filling out my primaries, I miscalculated and wrote 36 hours! (I shadowed them for 3 hours every mon from oct 4th to dec 20th. there are 12 mondays in this span of time. however, there were two mondays when I didn't shadow them due to time conflicts and i completely forgot about that when I was filling out apps!) I've already turned in my applications. What should I do?

Thanks in advance.


Step back and think about the big picture. 6 hours of shadowing.
Try to imagine how petty this is... now times that by two.
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Hi everyone,

I shadowed some internists for 30 hours. However, when I was filling out my primaries, I miscalculated and wrote 36 hours! (I shadowed them for 3 hours every mon from oct 4th to dec 20th. there are 12 mondays in this span of time. however, there were two mondays when I didn't shadow them due to time conflicts and i completely forgot about that when I was filling out apps!) I've already turned in my applications. What should I do?

Thanks in advance.


you put 36 down when you only had 30?

Next thing you know you're going to be writing orders for a patient that might kill them--what an idiot.
hehehe... I guess I am overreacting. Sometimes I think I'm going crazy. Thanks everyone!
you put 36 down when you only had 30?

Next thing you know you're going to be writing orders for a patient that might kill them--what an idiot.

I agree. I hope all the schools reject you - you would be a terrible doctor and I feel sorry for your patients.
One of my friends in med school told me to exaggerate everything on my application by a factor of 2. Now, I'm not going to do it because it's not worth getting caught lying over and risking everything, nor do I feel like getting in on something not based off of my own merit.

Anyways, my point is that if he could get away with exaggerating his entire application, and being extremely successful in the process.. you'll be fine.