I am separating in June to begin civilian residency after HPSP time served as a Navy GMO and am desperate at this point to locate anyone to help me. I have read many posts about utilizing the Montgomery GI Bill and generally how to go about signing up for it; however, I am at a small command with no "education" or "finance" team, only one PS2 who is unavailable. I have contacted surrounding PSDs with no response, as well as the VA education help line, without understanding of my situation. Now I am awaiting a helpful chief at my clinic to help. I planned on utilizing the Post-911 Bill because I thought I would be in a more urban location but since I now matched into a more rural area, the Montgomery Bill will provide about $800 more per month. Today I contacted the Navy GI Programs through phone and they were not helpful, but said that I could not participate in the Mont GI Bill at this point. FYI, there is no record in my OMFP of the DD 2366 so I don't think I will have to appeal not opting in to the Mont GI Bill? I would appreciate any help!! This GI Bill funding will keep me afloat as my new salary will only be $42,000/yr after taxes...