Montgomery GI Bill HELP! Navy GMO to Civilian Residency

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Aug 8, 2007
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I am separating in June to begin civilian residency after HPSP time served as a Navy GMO and am desperate at this point to locate anyone to help me. I have read many posts about utilizing the Montgomery GI Bill and generally how to go about signing up for it; however, I am at a small command with no "education" or "finance" team, only one PS2 who is unavailable. I have contacted surrounding PSDs with no response, as well as the VA education help line, without understanding of my situation. Now I am awaiting a helpful chief at my clinic to help. I planned on utilizing the Post-911 Bill because I thought I would be in a more urban location but since I now matched into a more rural area, the Montgomery Bill will provide about $800 more per month. Today I contacted the Navy GI Programs through phone and they were not helpful, but said that I could not participate in the Mont GI Bill at this point. FYI, there is no record in my OMFP of the DD 2366 so I don't think I will have to appeal not opting in to the Mont GI Bill? I would appreciate any help!! This GI Bill funding will keep me afloat as my new salary will only be $42,000/yr after taxes...

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I am separating in June to begin civilian residency after HPSP time served as a Navy GMO and am desperate at this point to locate anyone to help me. I have read many posts about utilizing the Montgomery GI Bill and generally how to go about signing up for it; however, I am at a small command with no "education" or "finance" team, only one PS2 who is unavailable. I have contacted surrounding PSDs with no response, as well as the VA education help line, without understanding of my situation. Now I am awaiting a helpful chief at my clinic to help. I planned on utilizing the Post-911 Bill because I thought I would be in a more urban location but since I now matched into a more rural area, the Montgomery Bill will provide about $800 more per month. Today I contacted the Navy GI Programs through phone and they were not helpful, but said that I could not participate in the Mont GI Bill at this point. FYI, there is no record in my OMFP of the DD 2366 so I don't think I will have to appeal not opting in to the Mont GI Bill? I would appreciate any help!! This GI Bill funding will keep me afloat as my new salary will only be $42,000/yr after taxes...

Did you pay for the Montgomery GI bill (I think it's something like $100/month during first 12 months of service=$1200 initial investment)? Or did you decline it? If you declined it, you can't get it now.
I did not pay into it; however, according to many posts here, I am able to now retroactively pay and receive the bill.
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I did not pay into it; however, according to many posts here, I am able to now retroactively pay and receive the bill.

I don't think so. If you didn't pay into it, you in essence declined it. Whether or not you signed the paper formally declining it and whether or not it made it to your OMPF, I don't think any of that matters. You can certainly try to argue the point, but I wouldn't count on it.
You have to petition the Board for Corrections of Naval Records to change this. Write them that you were not afforded an opportunity to pay and accept the MGIB. If they approve, you will pay $1200 for the MGIB. There used to be a “kicker” option.”, not sure if that is the case anymore. I did this now 16 years ago.
You have to petition the Board for Corrections of Naval Records to change this. Write them that you were not afforded an opportunity to pay and accept the MGIB. If they approve, you will pay $1200 for the MGIB. There used to be a “kicker” option.”, not sure if that is the case anymore. I did this now 16 years ago.

The OP can certainly try. The Board of Corrections gave me swift FU when I tried some years ago, but I did decline formally, like a bonehead.

I think that Board only meets a few times a year (and now likely less frequently give the Coronapocalypse). My guess is OP is getting out in June, to start residency in July? You might be cutting it close.
The OP can certainly try. The Board of Corrections gave me swift FU when I tried some years ago, but I did decline formally, like a bonehead.

I think that Board only meets a few times a year (and now likely less frequently give the Coronapocalypse). My guess is OP is getting out in June, to start residency in July? You might be cutting it close.

Worth a shot. 36000 worth of benefits for 1200$!
I remember them making us make this decision out of the blue at ODS, I "formally declined" it but would argue that as a 10 month ENS having it explained to me by a LTJG RN in a hall of 180 people in the middle of 10 other power points was not adequate explanation...
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I went through this this past year. You need to do base finance's job for them and submit a cash collection voucher and you need the MGIB and buy up opt in forms as well. It was definitely a pain in the ass, but can be done.

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Feel free to PM me. I'll dig up the finance guidance and the form publication references. And post them later.

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As promised. The forms needed, provided that you never opted out of the MGIB at Officer Training School, is the following: DD2366 for Chp 30 MGIB and 31 $600 buy up.

You then go to base finance, and you have to do a Cash Collection Voucher x 2 for the full $1200 plus $600 buy up. That form is DD1131. You pay by check/cash. This is routed directly to DFAS by local finance office.

To make life easy for you so the wonderful finance E-3 at the front desk doesnt send you away 10 times...the line of accounting is in the screen shot that the finance person needs to put in based on the DODI.

These documents for USAF get uploaded to AFPC via mypers to CYOA. Not sure what the Army and Navy equivalent of mypers is, but what ever civilian contractor at your installation's education office will put up a good fight to dodge doing any work or thought into your query. Was best just simply doing everyone's work for them.

Feel free to PM if you survive the enrollment process, and are now stumbling through the residency program/VA side of getting your money. That is equally fun. All about surviving the bureaucracy.

Hope this helps you all out!
View attachment dd1131.pdfView attachment dd2366.pdf

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