My chance of getting in?

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Sep 17, 2015
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You're going to have to elaborate a bit more. It's already somewhat of a guess without knowing what your PCAT score is.

For example, what's your science course GPA. What is "some" pharmacy experience. What are your extracurricular activities? Do you already have a degree in something?

Your GPA is pretty mediocre and is pretty average.
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Well, being from the state of Georgia, I can tell you a little about South University though I believe they also have a school in SC. They offer an accelerated program (a 3-year curriculum), so you may have to explain why you believe you'll be able to perform well in such a setting when your undergrad GPA is a 3.3.

A minimum 2.8 cumulative GPA is required and a 3.0 science GPA is recommended to be considered for admission to the program. However, last year their average cumulative GPA was a 3.30, science GPA was a 3.13 for students entering the Class of 2017.

They don't accept require PCAT, but as a general rule of thumb, most decent schools will want a 75+ PCAT composite while less prestigious ones require at least a 50+ score.

And just a heads up, the term "pharmacy intern" usually implies that you've already been accepted into pharmacy school and are working with a pharmacy intern license. I'm not sure what you worked as, but it's something you need to clarify or relabel if you want to bring that up.

Overall, I'd say your chances for that school specifically are a little below average but doable. You'll need an excellent personal statement that can hopefully tie in your extracurriculars really well to your interest and performance in pharmacy school
Well, being from the state of Georgia, I can tell you a little about South University though I believe they also have a school in SC. They offer an accelerated program (a 3-year curriculum), so you may have to explain why you believe you'll be able to perform well in such a setting when your undergrad GPA is a 3.3.

A minimum 2.8 cumulative GPA is required and a 3.0 science GPA is recommended to be considered for admission to the program. However, last year their average cumulative GPA was a 3.30, science GPA was a 3.13 for students entering the Class of 2017.

They don't accept require PCAT, but as a general rule of thumb, most decent schools will want a 75+ PCAT composite while less prestigious ones require at least a 50+ score.

And just a heads up, the term "pharmacy intern" usually implies that you've already been accepted into pharmacy school and are working with a pharmacy intern license. I'm not sure what you worked as, but it's something you need to clarify or relabel if you want to bring that up.

Overall, I'd say your chances for that school specifically are a little below average but doable. You'll need an excellent personal statement that can hopefully tie in your extracurriculars really well to your interest and performance in pharmacy school

I wondered the same thing about the phrase "pharmacy intern". Enxhila can you elaborate?
I have a 3.3 gpa at a University and have not yet taken the PCAT, I have a lot of extra circulars and some Pharmacy experience. I'm applying this cycle, what are my chances? Applying to: Pacific University, LECOM- Bradenton, South University, and FAMU.

At LECOM BRADENTON you have a good chance of getting in. It all depends on how well you present yourself, your personal statement, and your PCAT score. They look at the overall package, not just your grades.
Isn't the "pharmacy intern" different from "intern pharmacist"? So OPs label is correct, since those pharmacy school students with the intern license are called "intern pharmacists"

At the pharmacy I worked at, this is how they were called, and I was a pharmacy intern... Correct me if it's different elsewhere
I have a 3.3 gpa at a University and have not yet taken the PCAT, I have a lot of extra circulars and some Pharmacy experience. I'm applying this cycle, what are my chances? Applying to: Pacific University, LECOM- Bradenton, South University, and FAMU.
Hi there! I was wondering if you have tried applying yet? If not, I would encourage you to do so regardless of your GPA. I have been accepted at both LECOM bradenton and South University despite an average GPA of 3.1. My PCAT is low >50 but I have 5 years experience as a pharmacy tech. I think both schools look at the whole package, and I like both schools. I had a great time during the interview. I am also interviewing at 2 other schools. I was surprised that I have gotten interview invites from all the schools I applied to so you never know.
Hi there! I was wondering if you have tried applying yet? If not, I would encourage you to do so regardless of your GPA. I have been accepted at both LECOM bradenton and South University despite an average GPA of 3.1. My PCAT is low >50 but I have 5 years experience as a pharmacy tech. I think both schools look at the whole package, and I like both schools. I had a great time during the interview. I am also interviewing at 2 other schools. I was surprised that I have gotten interview invites from all the schools I applied to so you never know.

hey i was wondering what school did you attend because i am starting to apply for pharmacy school as well and just wanted to know your experiences as applying and interviews and the wait?
You can get in anywhere as long as you get at least a 40 on the PCAT