my experience + my advice (be warned: super long)


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Mar 18, 2006
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Hey all! Thanks for all your help in answering my questions the last couple days. Here are my can compare them with all my Kaplan, TopScore, and official sample test scores at

If you're interested in purchasing my OAT materials, see my last post:

QR: 330
RC: 400
Biology: 360
GChem: 390
OChem: 400
Physics: 380
TS: 400
AA: 380

I took mine at 9 am today (I got there at 8, they asked me if I wanted to start early but I declined, I did some last minute review sitting there, and I went in at 8:50 am). They're pretty strict - everything is audio/videotaped, and you're not allowed to remove your jacket once you're inside, so you choose whether you want your jacket, or else put it in your locker. They provided 2 pencils, and I got them replaced at break. The scratch paper booklet (which was pink paper) had like 4 sheets in it, which was great, because Kaplan told us we'd only get 2 sheets. I only replaced my booklet once, also during break. I brought earplugs and had to squeeze them in front of the proctor. Earplugs, jacket, and 2 forms of ID were the only things you were allowed to bring in.

I felt very rushed throughout the whole thing except for natural sciences...I actually went to the bathroom when I finished natural sciences and still had 8 minutes left. I spent all the allotted time on RC, physics, and QR, and for QR, I didn't even have enough time. I skipped a TON, probably like 15 or so, came back at the end with 5 minutes left, and marked "C" for all the incompleted ones. I managed to calculate about 3 more in that time...I skipped all the word problems, but just to my luck I had a TON of word problems. =( It really sucked. Unfortunately there weren't very many 30-60-90 or 45-45-90 triangles as I thought there'd be, but I got all these REALLY odd angles, like 52 degrees and such so I really lucked out on QR. And I didn't have time to slowly calculate stuff out, so I just had no idea =P

During my break, I went to my locker, and I was about to pull out my physics flashcards when the proctor said we're not allowed to look at any material during our breaks. So I put it away and ate my Luna bar and like 5 raisins haha. I drank a bit of Gatorade and went back in with 5 minutes left. So I set up my scratch paper with the Kaplan method and also wrote down as many physics equations as I could remember in those 5 minutes.

I didn't have any pre-test questions. I had a 10-question survey at the end after my scores came up...there was a little lag time between all the sections and after the end when it was calculating scores...that was an agonizing minute that I waited for my scores to appear. =P And the first thing I saw was "330" (QR) and I was like, "WHAT?!?! I have to take this again =(" but then I looked more closely and it was actually QR, and my TS/AA were at the bottom of the screen haha. So then I was relieved that I would never have to take this again. =)

Now for my thoughts on the test itself...

Bio: I thought this was pretty hard. I was like, "Where the heck did these questions come from?!" I marked a whole bunch and I could eliminate a few answers, but it was still pretty hard, I thought. I'm a biochemistry major at UCSD and I actually just finished the last classes of my major as well as all the pre-reqs for Berkeley and SCCO with a 3.85 GPA, so I thought this would be my best section. My practice scores have been pretty good, and I even got a 400 on the official sample test. So I think the real OAT was much harder than the sample test, and probably about the same level as the Kaplan/TopScore tests. I think the OAT had more diagrams though. I can't even remember any of the questions now haha.

GChem: I thought this was about the same level as the official sample test...I believe I only marked 2 that I wasn't sure about, and I probably missed both of those, seeing how I got a 390. I didn't have to make many calculations...just setting up the calculations, so in that case it was very like the official sample test. Kaplan makes you calculate everything, which is time-consuming and error-prone. =P

OChem: This was alright, kinda the same level as the official sample test as well as Kaplan. TopScore is a little harder I think. On practice tests this has always been one of my best sections, although my grades in the 3 quarters of ochem at school were A-, B+, A.

RC: It's true, there are no passage numbers, which made it really difficult for me to find stuff. The passages I felt were a bit longer than Kaplan/TopScore, since I remember it only took me 4-5 minutes to read a passage with those, but it took me about 6-7 minutes to read a passage on the real OAT. My mouse had a scroll wheel so thank God for would've been such a waste of time to use the scroll bar (my brother who took the GRE about 5 years ago said it was like that for him, he could go up or down a page, no scrolling, tiny screen). I felt the questions were harder than Kaplan/TopScore, especially the first two passages. My passages were about ethics and morality, aging, and fungal infections (the last passage was easy, since I took microbiology and I'm pretty good at reading science-y passages). A lot of questions were inference-type, or overall-view type. The last passage had more detail-oriented questions that made you hunt through the passage looking for specific words. I'm better at that, haha. There were no "none of the above" questions in this section for me (I HATE those). I'm surprised I got a 400, even though I did well on practice tests, because I marked a lot of questions, a couple of them I just couldn't find in the passage at all! Yet the question claimed that it could be found in the passage, "According to the passage...". That was really annoying.

Physics: This was a little more like the official sample rather than Kaplan/TopScore, but Kaplan prepared me well for it I think. I never even got CLOSE to 380 on Kaplan, but on the sample test I actually got 380. I can't remember the questions anymore...I marked a lot too, and I felt that the questions were a little more detailed and harder than the official sample. I either guessed correctly or made good logical eliminations haha.

QR: This was my least favorite section of the day, and the hardest, I thought. I got way too many word problems that would take at least 1 minute to solve, and you just don't have 1 minute per problem! I went through and did all the easy ones, came back and marked C's for the rest, and then tried to solve them one by one. I ran out of time before I could finish. I felt that this QR section was probably similar to the Kaplan Midterm...since I ran out of time on that one too and also got a 330. Just for your reference, on the Midterm I had gotten 27/50 correct, which is a 54%. Pretty sad, huh? =P I'm supposedly good at math too...I guess I'm just too slow. The questions were more complicated and harder than TopScore/official sample, and required more calculations, I think. I was able to use a lot of shortcuts here and there, but some of the questions I just had no idea. I got a lot of decimals's easy to lose track of decimals.

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I know this is getting long...but here's my advice for studying:

My Kaplan class started in May, twice a week. I didn't have much time to study during the quarter but I did do about 4 chapters a week plus a couple subject tests. I didn't study for the Midterm or Final. I took 2 weeks off to study for my school finals in June, and then I went home mid-June and continued studying. I made a list of all the chapters in the book and all the subject tests available so I could keep track of what I'd done and what I still needed to do at a glance. I set goals for myself based on what I’d been scoring on Kaplan/TopScore and taking into account that these are supposed to be "harder" than the real thing - more notes on that at the end
Goal score ---> (real score in parentheses)
Bio: 390 ----------> (360)
GChem: 390 ------> (390)
OChem: 400 ------> (400)
RC: 400 ----------> (400)
Physics: 380 -----> (380)
QR: 400 ---------> (330)

As you can see, I predicted correctly for 4/6 sections. See, it pays to set goals. =) I always say…”Shoot for A+’s, that way, if you fall short, at least you’ll still have an A.” I thought it’d be unrealistic to shoot for a 400 in physics since I was getting 300’s, but I told myself I’d like to get a 400 in physics. I also told myself I’d be happy with a 360 overall score, but would greatly prefer 380-400. I tend to set high goals for myself, and since they’re so high, I don’t get down on myself for not achieving them (although the 330 on QR was a bit disappointing). =) Deep down inside, I know I’d be content with a 360.

I wrote up a schedule for myself for each day that I was home, which was about June 20-today, and wrote down what I wanted to accomplish each day. I checked off stuff as I did it, and I tried to adhere to my schedule as much as possible. I worked 20 hours during this time (4 hours a day for 5 days, which happened to be my training period also) at my optometry internship, but I’ve had the last 5 days to myself straight. I studied about 6 hours a day, taking lots of breaks because I can’t sit still for very long. =) I’d study about 2 subjects a day, and I tried to do a little bit of physics everyday because I thought that’d be my weakest section (it’s been about 2 years since I took physics, and I didn’t even pay attention in physics and pulled by with an A- in the “easy” physics class – physics for biology majors haha).

The last couple days I went through all the Kaplan flashcards (have to make good use of my money, you know)...I went through one pack a day, the first time I took out all the ones I wanted to review again. After I went through all the subjects once, I reviewed all of the ones I set apart in one day (I think I did it the day before the test). I also went through the notes I made in my Lesson Book because I understood those and I thought they were very well-condensed.

But I also wrote in a pad of paper (like those pads you get at hotels) all the things I thought would be hard to remember but that seemed pretty important (stuff like the menstrual cycle, etc…since I never had reproduction, embryology, plant stuff, or detailed brain stuff in my classes), and this packet was divided into the sections (bio, chem, ochem, physics, QR). The day before the test, I condensed the MOST easily forgotten things into a smaller packet consisting of about 8 pages (these are like strips of paper, so each page is only like 8”x3”). I also had a packet of homemade flashcards with physics equations that I copied down from the Kaplan MCAT Physics sheet. I reviewed all these things the day before and the day of. The day before I also quickly skimmed all my Kaplan general chemistry and physics subject tests, just looking at the major equations and what kind of questions they were used in and how to use them. I have kinda a bad memory so that really helped refresh my memory. =)

Basically, I felt that the real test was harder than the sample test, but the reason why I scored relatively well compared to my sample score is that the curve may have been nicer on the real test. I don’t think I could easily say that the real test was easier than Kaplan or TopScore, although my practice test scores suggest that, but I think it’s because Kaplan and TopScore grade harder, and there isn’t as much of a curve. This is speculation, and I might be wrong…I might just be really good at guessing (but I’m usually not).

I think that’s it for now…I might put up pictures of my schedule and things like that if anyone would find them helpful. Sorry this is such a novel, but if it helps anyone and clarifies anything for anyone, I’d be honored. =)

Haha I called 2 of my friends afterwards (one is studying for the OAT for August, and the other one just took the April MCAT) and I was felt really weird, like a mix of being glad it was over with being surprised at how hard it was compared to what I thought it'd be...and just the plain exhaustion after an adrenaline rush =P
Congrats, that's great that you did so well. Hope to be seeing you at Berkeley (I'm sure you'll have a much better chance with those scores.) Not to spoil the post-OAT euphoria, but have you started the essays/lor/applications yet? I suggest we use this thread as a discussion for not only OAT triumphs, but for what we still have ahead of us. Great job once again.
Thanks, Berkeley definitely is what I'm shooting for. =) I didn't start the essays yet at ALL...I can't multi-task very well, you should see the laundry list of things I have to do now because I piled it all up to study for the OAT. =P

I did get one of my LORs but I still have yet to approach the other two. I should be doing that in the next 2 weeks or so. The one I got already is from my microbiology professor, who I will be TAing for in the fall & winter. My other two are: my optometrist, whom I just started working for 2 weeks ago (so not enough time for her to comment about my work ethic yet), and the people I did research with at Stanford Ophthalmology for the last 2 summers - I'll also be doing research there again weekly when I'm not at my optometrist's. Haha I know...getting a LOR from Stanford is like shooting myself in the foot, but they shouldn't care too much about the Stanford-Berkeley rivalry for optometry school...if they do, I can sue them. ;D I told the dean of UCBSO about that already and he was really funny about it. That guy is really chill and funny. =)

I hope to start my essays soon...maybe after this weekend or so! SCCO is first priority right now since that's due Sept 1, whereas the Berkeley materials don't even come OUT until Sept 1 lol. Oh well.
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One more thing I forgot to mention...

I downloaded the trial version of OAT Achiever, and I think I'd recommend it over TopScore based on how the program works and such. I can't tell you if the questions are representative, but I liked the way OAT Achiever worked better. I also like how it gives you solutions. That was the thing that I didn't like about TopScore...I mean, I spent $60 for 3 tests that don't have explanations?!?! Argh.
scvcstar said:
Thanks, Berkeley definitely is what I'm shooting for. =) I didn't start the essays yet at ALL...I can't multi-task very well, you should see the laundry list of things I have to do now because I piled it all up to study for the OAT. =P

Talk about hoops to jump through. . .
Ya, I'm in about the same position as you now with lor and such. It's been 3 weeks since I took the OAT, but I just can't motivate myself to start on the other things (except shadowing.) I went through the pre-health committee for one lor and the other two should come from the optometrist I'm currently shadowing and the geneticist with whom I do my research. Another thing I need to start on is getting transcripts sent from ALL institutions. I'm lucky that I only transfered once, but my first school is a pain in the butt to work with (one of the reasons I transferred.)
Just out of curiosity, what kind of research are you doing?
Congrats scvstar... awesome scores!!! I completely agree with your dislike of the QR section! The only thing I hated more than that was O.Chem! The people taking the test after the 15th of July might have a slightly easier time as the changed the number of questions in some of the sections (including QR). Again, congrats and best of luck in this app cycle!

pge :luck: :luck:
Good Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I needed motivation to get back to studying, so now its off to the books...........................
Good luck everyone with your studies and everything!

I've been telling people, if you need any specific advice or academic OAT help anything, feel free to PM me. I enjoy the challenge of explaining concepts to people, and it helps me understand it better too. =) I'll be TAing this year for microbiology! Does anyone have a favorite bacteria? Haha =)
Thanks! Yeah...I didn't know QR was going to be THAT bad, I mean, I've gotten near 400's on most of the practice tests and math has always been one of my best subjects, so that's why I decided to take the OAT asap instead of waiting till July 15...but man, I totally misjudged that one haha...yeah it should be easier for people later, at least they'll get a better chance to DO all the problems! =)

prettygreeneyes said:
Congrats scvstar... awesome scores!!! I completely agree with your dislike of the QR section! The only thing I hated more than that was O.Chem! The people taking the test after the 15th of July might have a slightly easier time as the changed the number of questions in some of the sections (including QR). Again, congrats and best of luck in this app cycle!

pge :luck: :luck:
omg CONGRATS!!! Dude, those scores are off hte charts!! i myself is freaking out because ive been on with the physics portion for a week and a half now and its barely getting to me. i read everything on sparknotes and pretty much wikipedia. thanks for the tips and congrats again!! :D
Haha thanks! Yeah, I'm not going to say you shouldn't worry and not take it as seriously, because it still was pretty hard. Just keep working at it and doing the best you can, and prepare for it as if it's harder than the MCAT. =) You'll do great!

But yeah, honestly...the physics still hasn't gotten to me. I understand optics very well now, but the whole energy and simple harmonic motion and stuff I still barely get. Same with those freaking pressure and bouyant force density ones. I think I got those movement on a inclined plane questions and those elevator questions down pretty well. On the real OAT I actually got one of those elevator questions, and I was like, "Sweeeet I got this one for sure!" =)

lemonhead43 said:
omg CONGRATS!!! Dude, those scores are off hte charts!! i myself is freaking out because ive been on with the physics portion for a week and a half now and its barely getting to me. i read everything on sparknotes and pretty much wikipedia. thanks for the tips and congrats again!! :D
pippistrellodaq said:
Just out of curiosity, what kind of research are you doing?

Oops, did I answer your question? Haha...I do research in ophthalmology at the Stanford Medical Center. I work mainly with a MD/PhD (chemical engineering) student that's researching materials for a permanent implantable cornea replacement, kinda like a permanent contact lens, I guess you could say. However, unlike LASIK, this is reversible. The first people to benefit from this would be people who need cornea replacements...usually people get corneas from donors who have recently passed away, but this resource is limited and you also have to screen for diseases and things like that. So we're researching a synthetic cornea replacement that will be in plentiful supply and will eliminate risk of disease or rejection. It's pretty cool...and hopefully later on they'll be able to control the refractive properties of the synthetic cornea so that it could actually be used for normal patients who just want refractive correction. There are similar things like this on the market but I think we're trying to look for something that is more compatible with the eye, a material extremely breathable, clean, and comfortable. =)

Honestly, I think research is a lot of fun, especially when you work with really awesome people. The people at Stanford are amazing! (But don't tell Berkeley I said that =D) I'm having a pretty good time with my clinical optometry experience so far, but I can tell you that in my case it's a lot more exhausting and demanding than research. =)