My Pre Med Major

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Jul 31, 2019
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Hey, So I just graduated from high school and I took up bba tho I was always interested in sciences I really wanted to learn new things about business and others, but now I kind of regret it , like will it be difficult for me to complete all the med school pre reqs and my degree simultaneously, is bba a good pre med major or should I consider changing my major to sciences or humanities?

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This is the wrong thread. However, I received a BBA and took the pre reqs along side of it. It was not hard. I’m now in medical school.
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You can get into medical school with any major. The preclinical years of medical school will be infinitely easier if you major in biology/molecular biology/biochemistry.
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Hey, So I just graduated from high school and I took up bba tho I was always interested in sciences I really wanted to learn new things about business and others, but now I kind of regret it , like will it be difficult for me to complete all the med school pre reqs and my degree simultaneously, is bba a good pre med major or should I consider changing my major to sciences or humanities?
I am a double major in nontrad majors and my recommendation is just go a bio/biochem major. Takes a lot of stress off ur back when it comes to hitting the pre reqs in your major requirements. I had to take 20-21 credits every semester the past two years to full-fill both of my major requirements and hit the pre reqs. That being said if there is a nontrad major you are truly passionate about, then enroll in that major. I personally wish I would have stayed bio/biochem though.
Hey, So I just graduated from high school and I took up bba tho I was always interested in sciences I really wanted to learn new things about business and others, but now I kind of regret it , like will it be difficult for me to complete all the med school pre reqs and my degree simultaneously, is bba a good pre med major or should I consider changing my major to sciences or humanities?
Adcoms don't care what your major is, only that you do well.
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