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New Member
Feb 28, 2024
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Remediating with an NBME Pharm exam that covers GI, Neuro/Psych, Endo and Repro. Need to clear a raw 70%.
1. Will sketchy pharm and uworld be enough?
2. How does one answer pharmacotherapy questions without studying all of the pathologies on the side? It seems like this isnt a pharm test, more so path+pharm in one.
3. Do I need any books beside Sketchy?

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Update for future kids: got a near perfect score
1. Sketchy Pharm with Pepper Deck 10/10
2. Aervien FA deck from Reddit 10/10
3. UWorld Pharm Questions 10/10
4. Amboss Pharm Questions 10/10
5. ScholarRx Pharm 10/10
6. Pretest Pharm book 7/10
7. BRS Pharm 10/10 (if you don't wanna use sketchy)
8. Lecturio Pharm Questions 7/10

Questions are key, the exam has hidden physio built into it so would advise brushing up on that. It's not tryna trick you so knowing the functions of each drug clearly is very important. Ultimately was enough for a 98;
Question types:
1. 1st line treatments for a disease(much more straightforward than UWorld)
2. MOA: Was not always that straightforward but able to narrow it down to 2 usually.
3. Side effects: Pretty straightforward, make sure you review the ANS anticholinergic stuff even if it's not on your test, it bleeds into every other pharm module basically.
4. Unlike UWorld most of the questions are straightforward one liners. Means you gotta know your **** rather than reading into the details to find clues.
5. NBMEs are much more straightforward than 3rd party, my first pass had to have been a 50-60% avg, I made sure to redo questions 2-3x, helpful to see where your mistakes are.
6. The questions are somewhere in between UWorld and ScholarRx difficulty, closer to scholar IMO.
7. AMBOSS is tough as **** don't let it get you down. The real test won't have as many choices that are the same thing basically, will be more straightforward. For example AMBOSS might list 4 antipsychotics in an answer with only one thats correct because of a minute detail. NBME will list 2 antipsychotics at best, and usually the answer is clear as day.
Good Luck