Need help optimizing this schedule of courses to best prepare me for the MCAT/best remember course material for the mcat.

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Nov 29, 2022
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Essentially, I am looking for advice on classes I should move around to a different semester to optimize preparedness for the MCAT while keeping the workload as light as possible. For instance, semester 3 seems rather heavy with ochem 2, physics, and genetics all together so if there are suggestions for a better combination, I'm open to that. Any input is appreciated.

Notes to keep in mind:

  • I have taken gen chem 1 and 2 at a cc prior to entering college
  • All my gen ed requirements are taken care of through cc or AP credit aside from a fine arts course
  • I have 1 semester of English done through AP credit and another semester through dual enrollment cc credit
  • I am a psychology major
  • I intend to graduate in 3 years and take the mcat spring of junior year
  • At the moment, I want to take calculus as p/f to fulfill washu's requirement for math since they accept p/f
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You're going to take the MCAT in semester 4, correct? I recommend taking biochem before the MCAT. It will be tested heavily. You can self-study MCAT biochem but it would be suboptimal. Far easier to rearrange your schedule, IMO.
You're going to take the MCAT in semester 4, correct? I recommend taking biochem before the MCAT. It will be tested heavily. You can self-study MCAT biochem but it would be suboptimal. Far easier to rearrange your schedule, IMO.
I was planning on doing it during semester 6, but I definitely would still like to take biochem earlier. I'll try to rearrange it.

On a side note, would you say taking the MCAT in April/early May of junior year is viable for application timing?

And last question- biochem is split into 2 semesters at my uni and the first one covers protein structure and function, enzyme kinetics, enzyme mechanisms, and nucleic acid and carbohydrate structures while the 2nd semester covers biological membranes and bioenergetics, photosynthesis, lipids and lipid metabolism, nucleic acid structure, structure and synthesis, and molecular biology. Are all of those concepts covered on the biochem section or is it only the 1st semester topics? That would determine when I can know I have a complete foundation for the section and start studying I feel like.
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