Neurology in First Aid Enough?

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Is the Neurology section in First Aid comprehensive enough? Compared to previous years, it seems the Neurology section in FA has been beefed up, but I'm wondering if things like 'Spinal tract anatomy and functions' are sufficient.
For that particular section (which I am just highlighting as an example), it seems to only mention Dorsal column, Spinothalamic tract, and Corticospinal tracts, despite the fact that there are many other ascending and descending tracts.

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Is the Neurology section in First Aid comprehensive enough? Compared to previous years, it seems the Neurology section in FA has been beefed up, but I'm wondering if things like 'Spinal tract anatomy and functions' are sufficient.
For that particular section (which I am just highlighting as an example), it seems to only mention Dorsal column, Spinothalamic tract, and Corticospinal tracts, despite the fact that there are many other ascending and descending tracts.
For usmle yes, for comlex you need more, as comlex has a bit more in depth neuro questions (more in line with neuro course during MS2).
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I think the neuroanatomy is definitely sufficient for the USMLE Step 1 - I would break down the PHYSIOLOGY section in your studying as relative to the other sections, the physiology for neurology (which encompasses neuroanatomy) is a little much to swallow in one sitting!
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Yeah it was enough plus googling images of brain stem lesions since fa leaves them out.

Comlex on the other hand lol
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FA along with what you pick up from UW, should be enough but I found looking up certain things online to fill gaps during UW was also necessary for neuro questions.
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