New Peds Hem/Onc Fellowship in CT!

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Jan 23, 2017
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The University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Connecticut Children’s Medical Center are pleased to announce the recent addition of a Fellowship in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology!

Recruitment has begun and is underway for the 2018 Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship position.

Our Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship at Connecticut Children's Medical Center prepares individuals to become leaders in the field of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology by providing the highest quality training in the diagnosis and treatment of blood and cancer disorders through exceptional clinical care and research. Through our unique collaboration with Jackson Laboratory Facility, we offer research opportunities in state-of-the-art genetic laboratories to prepare physician scientists as well as expert clinicians. Fellows also will have the opportunity for additional training in the diagnosis and management of bone marrow transplant through rotations at Boston Children's/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.  .

We are seeking talented and passionate individuals who seek to train in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Interested applicants can obtain detailed information about this innovative and exciting Fellowship by contacting the program coordinator, Marianne Gonzalez, at [email protected].

Applications will be accepted via ERAS through 4/30/17. Fellowship commences July 1, 2018.

Thank you for sharing this announcement widely with your pediatric colleagues who may be interested.

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