New Walgreens Floater Tips

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5+ Year Member
Aug 1, 2017
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I recently graduated pharmacy school and accepted a floating position with Walgreens. The job market is really bad where I live (and I assume everywhere else) which made me feel I had no choice but to accept the job. I only had 3 days of training after getting licensed and tomorrow is my first day by myself working a 12 hour shift. I feel EXTREMELY unprepared, especially when it comes to opening/closing the pharmacy. Any tips for a new floater? I'm already scheduled overtime for the next following pay periods and feel very overwhelmed. Also for anyone who has left retail, how long after starting did you find another job or start looking?

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Did you intern while you were in school or work retail?
Prepare to get torn a new one by everyone (techs, patients, etc) unless they've put you at a slow store. Don't give any attitude and be extremely gracious and do what they say when you make mistakes. Make sure to let them know you're new instead of just being incompetent. Prepare for an ego cleansing/deconstruction. You'll come out the other end a monk hopefully.
Wow 3 days of training sounds like bs. They must be extremely short-handed. Usually the ones who interned before get at least 5 days and brand new pharmacists get 10 days.

Make sure you keep the cell number of the pharmacist who trained you. Whenever you're stuck, create an exception and move on. When there is downtime, call/text your trainer for help on the ones you put aside.