Next Step Practice MCAT Scores

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Mah Ambition

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7+ Year Member
Aug 3, 2014
Reaction score
Taking my actual exam Sept. 10. I've been scoring between 502-505 on the NS exams. Haven't taken AAMC's FL, but will do so in the next few days. Scores have been consistently >125, w/ psych/soc showing the greatest fluctuation.

How good are the NS exams as a predictor of the real score? Aiming for 508+.

Input from those who used NS would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Edit: Taken NS 1-3 thus far. NSX(C/P, CARS, B/B, Psych/Soc):
NS1(126/126/125/128); NS2(125/126/125/126); NS3(126/125/126/125).

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Mine were pretty accurate. I averaged 504 across 6 of them and got 504, albeit my distribution was different. Watch out for your CARS score... they overestimated mine (was averaging 125, got 122) -- and underestimated by bio (average 125, got 127).