Northwestern Health Sciences University Post Bacc Program

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Aug 13, 2018
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Hi! I got accepted into the Northwestern Health Sciences University Post Bacc Program for fall 2018. Anyone in the program or has completed it have any reviews or can give me their perspective about the program? Thanks in advance!

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I’m applying to NWHSU postbacc for January 2019! I don’t know anyone that’s gone through the postbacc program there but a few threads I’ve read on SDN seem positive about it.
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I know this reply is a little late, but I finished a post bacc at NWHSU in December, and I just took the MCAT a week ago. Applying this coming cycle and I would absolutely recommend NWHSU to anyone. The cost is very reasonable ($6k per trimester), the classes are small, and the professors are really invested in your success.

If anyone is interested in learning more you can ask!
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I know this reply is a little late, but I finished a post bacc at NWHSU in December, and I just took the MCAT a week ago. Applying this coming cycle and I would absolutely recommend NWHSU to anyone. The cost is very reasonable ($6k per trimester), the classes are small, and the professors are really invested in your success.

If anyone is interested in learning more you can ask!
What’s the attrition rate at northwestern? How intense is the course work compared to other schools?
What’s the attrition rate at northwestern? How intense is the course work compared to other schools?
I don’t think the attrition was bad, but I’m not sure they actually release that information. I feel like the course work is reasonable, but I hadn’t taken any of the classes before so it’s hard to compare.