
  1. A

    2.8 uGPA, formal postbacc vs. Masters advice

    Hi SDN community, I'm looking for some advice as a non-trad pre-med. To provide some info about myself, I graduated in 2017 with a 2.8 uGPA, low-income family, and a first generation college student. I have 5+ years of working at a medical practice (over 10k hours of clinical experience) which...
  2. CyberFeelings


  3. jstkeepswimming

    WAMC/School List/Non-Trad Reinvention

    REPOST DUE TO MULTIPLE UPDATES. Hello, I am looking for some advice on a school list/things to add or change. I am a California resident and an ORM. GPA: GPA/Hours (this is my BCPM gpa, my everything else included cgpa is very close to this one, 3.04). I took 60 credit hours in my post-bacc...
  4. dantezribaldi

    Placing into upper div courses through self study?

    I am 7 years out of an arts undergrad in which I took no hard science and had a fairly low gpa. As I require aid for any program that goes beyond 1 or 2 cheap courses, originally I was planning on starting pre-reqs at a local CC and then at some point either applying to the one or two Postbaccs...
  5. LindaAccepted

    Medical The Comprehensive Guide to Postbac Programs

    You know you want to become a doctor, but you also realize that you’re not quite ready for medical school. Whether that’s because your profile isn’t as competitive as it could be, or because you simply just need more time to study basic sciences to determine whether this is truly the right path...
  6. jstkeepswimming

    WAMC/School List/Non-Trad Reinvention Reapplicant

    Hello, I am looking for some advice on my chances and what else I can do to improve. I am a California resident and an ORM. I am reposting as I secured a new job and am looking for more opinions. GPA: GPA/Hours (this is my BCPM gpa, my everything else included cgpa is very close to this one...
  7. B

    Touro Nevada MHS 2024-25?

    Hi everyone, has anyone gotten into Touro Nevada '24-25 for the MHS program and is planning to attend? Hoping to start a new thread for potential classmates :)
  8. S

    DIY Post Bacc withdrawal question

    For background: (Planning to apply this cycle to TMDSAS do not want to push MCAT back past May as I will need to apply early) I am in my gap year currently as a full time employee at a hospital on weekends (3 12 hour shifts) and full time student Mon-Thurs with volunteering on Tuesday and...
  9. C

    Stanford Medicine postbacc opportunity for premed/ PhD aspirants

    Stanford Medicine REACH (Racial Equity to Advance a Community of Health) Post-baccalaureate Experience in Research Program provides research and training opportunities for scholars to become successful graduate or medical students. We offer participants a salary of $63,500 + benefits, including...
  10. DidiMaymaysMom

    WAMC for Post Bacc? Non-Traditional

    I'm in a bit of a special situation here. A compound of many things Went to college for Economics, GPA 3.4. Figured out I want to become a vet a couple months before graduation. Applied to Tufts' post bacc program and got rejected. Now 26, working in corporate America, and rethinking my career...
  11. A

    Chance of top career changer postbac programs w/o shadowing

    Hi all, I was a computer science major in college and I'm applying to Bryn Mawr, Scripps, and Goucher for my career change plans. I have a decent undergrad GPA (over 3.9) and okay SAT score (verbal 710, math 800). I have some volunteering experience in hospitals and senior homes, but I won't...
  12. plantmompremed

    GeorgeSquared AbS Class of 2024

    Hi everyone! I was accepted to the GeorgSquared program. I just accepted my offer 😊 Are there any other G2 students on here? If so, hey 👋 I’ll see you this fall! Also any alumni willing to give any advice on the courses? I’m planning to commute about a 40 minutes drive. Would you recommend...
  13. P

    Question about reinvention

    Hi All, I’m on a reinvention journey and taking postbacc classes to improve my low GPA. I understand 30-40 credits in postbacc classes are considered adequate. As of now, I completed 13 units, taking 1-2 classes a quarter because of my full time job and other responsibilities. I’m now wondering...
  14. B

    Upper division class shares same name as lower division class?

    Hey all, This might be a convoluted, but here goes. I'm enrolled in a post-bacc program right now and am taking a course titled "Cellular and Molecular Biology" that's 300-level. I was going over my old transcripts from the undergrad institution I graduated from and the intro-sequence Biology...
  15. B

    Retaking Online Course In-Person

    I'm currently a student in a post-baccalaureate program to finish up prerequisites I haven't taken before. In my undergrad years, I took both the lecture component of Physics 1 and 2 online where exams were proctored in person but the lectures were all online. This was all done pre-pandemic. I...
  16. M

    Postbacc choice and disability/chronic illness

    I am 29, and I graduated in 2016 with a 4.0 in neuroscience and journalism. I have ten years of clinical research experience at well-known institutions and two publications, one in Nature, and I am the CTO of a biotech company. After taking care of many things to manage a genetic condition, I am...
  17. evagria

    Nursing student to MD/DO. Not sure what to do.

    Hi all! Glad I found this website/forum because I was having no luck getting any constructive feedback anywhere else so I’m hoping the feedback is better here. I am a 29 year old senior nursing student in an ADN program. I’ve always wanted to do medicine, even in high school but a string of...
  18. D

    Reinvention Advice

  19. A

    CSU East Bay PHAP 2022-2023

    Hello all :) I have not spotted any threads regarding this cycle yet, so I have decided to create one so we can all connect. I was recently accepted into the program and was wondering if any past or current students from the program have feedback/advice. Thank you!
  20. Cracking Med Admissions

    Medical This Week: Dr. Rizal's Medical School Application Master Class + Office Hours

    Hi everyone! We have two FREE events this week to help you get into medical school. These events are geared towards premeds who are applying to medical school this year. Medical school applications open in ONE WEEK. Learn how to STAND OUT and ask Dr. Rachel Rizal any specific questions you...
  21. M

    New York Postbacc - advice for someone limited due to health & finances

    Background: 4.0 GPA as a psychology (neuroscience concentration) and journalism major at a SUNY school. Already completed a couple of science courses, i.e. GenChem I and Genetics. I am 29 and have 8 years of clinical research and shadowing experience in immunology, epigenetics, and neuroscience...
  22. Doctoscope

    WAMC Reinventor: 3.98 Postbacc GPA, 3.19 cGPA/3.3 sGPA, 518 MCAT

    I've been browsing the WAMC section for a few years, and I guess the time finally came to make my own. I graduated from a UC in 2018 with a < 3.0 GPA (something like a 2.6 or something) in a math degree. I took a lot of credits for P/NP, and ended up NPing quite a few credits as well. I am a CA...
  23. T

    CO school for reinvention postbacc

    Need some help deciding on a school to postbac at. I'm in the serious reinvention category with a 2.86 undergrad gpa with a few Ds and Cs in my med school prereqs, so I am looking to retake those classes and then add on a bunch of upper level science classes to bump up my stats and show a strong...
  24. 1

    Dominican University Bachelors of Medical Science Postbacc

    I am considering Dominican University's (Illinois) Bachelors of Medical Science for my postbacc program. I'm having trouble finding information about the program and was wondering if anyone has either been through the program or knows anything about the program. I struggled a lot in undergrad...
  25. A

    GWU vs. Georgetown Postbac (2022)

    Hi everyone! I have been accepted to both the George Washington University and Georgetown postbac programs and was wondering please whether anyone could please provide fresh perspective/info on these or a more direct comparison weighing the two. I've read through a LOT of posts on each but am...
  26. M

    Post Bacc Courses

    I applied with a 3.5 cGPA, 3.48 sGPA and am currently waitlisted. To increase my chances for next cycle I was thinking about taking 2 post-bacc classes this winter while working to show med schools I am able to continue doing well in upperdiv science courses. I know that this won't raise my GPA...
  27. M

    CUNY City College vs. DIY Queens College vs. NYU

    Background: 4.0 GPA as a psychology (neuro concentration) and journalism major. Already completed a couple of science courses, I.e. GenChem I and Genetics. I am 28 and have 7 years of clinical research in immunology and neuroscience (at Columbia, Mount Sinai, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering). I am...
  28. Doctoscope

    Have I reinvented enough? Or should I take more UD classes? AMCAS GPA Grid Included

    I'm finishing up my reinvention DIY postbacc this summer, and getting ready to apply in 2022. My undergrad record is atrocious, but it looks like I'll be finishing up my postbacc with ~3.98 at 67 units (one A- in Physics III). Here's my AMCAS GPA grid: As you can see, my undergrad record is...
  29. dinucleotidecarl

    Could I benefit from doing a DIY post-bacc this summer for this cycle?

    Hi everyone. This is a long one, so there's a TL;DR below. I graduated college in 2017 and have worked in both health care (scribe/scribe trainer, CMA) and elsewhere (Fulbright, teaching abroad) since graduation. Texas resident. I took all my prereqs in college and got a Pre-Health Professions...
  30. jstkeepswimming

    Further guidance for next steps

    Here is my previous post: Guidance on next steps After years of work, my cumulative GPA has finally hit 3.0 (3.0037 to be exact 😅) My sGPA is now at 2.92. I have been continuing my non-clinical volunteering, but my clinical volunteering has been paused due to the pandemic (still have ~ 100...
  31. F

    2021-2022 Texas A&M Dental Post-Baccalaureate Program

    Hello everyone! I didn’t see a thread for this year’s TAMCOD PBP application cycle. So here’s a thread for everyone. Good luck!
  32. U

    UC Postbaccalaureate Consortium 2021-2022 Cycle

    Hi All, Not sure what the rules are re: posting here (first time posting, point me in the right direction if there are any lol), but the 2021-2022 UC Consortium Post-Baccalaureate cycle opens up in less than a month and I haven't seen a thread started yet. Thought it'd be good to get one going...
  33. khunmohdokhtar

    Schools that have expirations for pre-reqs?

    Just as the title (hopefully) gets at, does anyone have a list or have a good idea of which schools have expirations (require you to take the course recently) on pre-req courses? I had a spreadsheet going earlier this cycle that made notes here and there of which school wanted pre-reqs to be...
  34. jstkeepswimming

    Guidance on next steps

    Hello all, So I posted a while back asking for advice on what I can do to help my situation and get into medical school. I'm here asking for more opinions. Here's a quick refresher: - currently working on reinventing my resume for medical school and am looking for advice on where to go from...
  35. KingofMaskedSinger

    GWU career changers post bacc?

    Does anyone have any information/been in the GWU post bacc program in VA? I'm a VA resident and I will be applying for the upcoming cycle but I can't seem to find any information on the program outside of the website. It's fairly new (started in 2016) but seems like a good program. I currently...
  36. P

    UVA versus Hopkins Post-Bacc Programs (for Career Changers)

    I've been accepted to UVA and Hopkins' post-bacc programs for career changers. Anyone have opinions about one versus the other? UVA seems like a more collaborative rather than competitive environment, and features Post-Bacc-only classes for almost every prerequisite. At Hopkins, prereqs are...
  37. C

    Do I need Post-Bacc? DIY or Formal?

    Hi everyone. I have been a frequent visitor to SDN and have finally decided to create my own post. I would appreciate any help you could provide! Background: I am a recent graduate with the hopes of becoming a doctor. I struggled my first two years and it really negatively affected my GPA (info...
  38. U

    UNR SOM Post-baccalaureate Program Interviews?

    Hi! I applied to the UNRSOM Postbac program and haven't heard anything re: interview. They said applicants would be notified 2/1 approximately for interviews, which of course was a weekend. Just wondering if anyone else out there applied and has heard. Says interviews are going to be held 2/19...
  39. B

    Low med school chances? Former artist, current post-bacc.

    I've gotten mixed advice on my chances for getting into medical school and was hoping someone could give me an honest answer about whether or not I'm burning money on a pipe dream. 5 years ago I graduated with a BA in photography and a laughable 2.17 GPA (110 credits.). Somewhat remarkably...
  40. P

    Seeking advice on gap year plans

    I am currently a 4th year undergrad with a 3.38 cGPA/3.06 sGPA. I've worked as a medical assistant for over a year now and have a lot of clinical/volunteer experience with underserved communities for 2.5 years (also volunteer as a scribe here). I was in one research lab for a year and then...