Not taking Organic Chemistry 2 right after 1?

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Sep 12, 2011
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Is it okay if I don't take Organic Chemistry 2 this Spring? I took 1 this Fall and the schedule I want I will not be able to fit in Organic 2. Is this a bad idea? thanks. (Plan on taking either in the summer or fall 2013).

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it doesn't matter as long as you get it done.
Theoretically, it shouldn't matter. Practically, I wouldn't recommend it whatsoever. You'll forget more than you might predict, and in my opinion, the second semester was MUCH harder than the first. You're taking a huge risk here.
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Those classes are difficult enough as it is, don't make it harder on yourself by not taking them concurrently.
Is it okay if I don't take Organic Chemistry 2 this Spring? I took 1 this Fall and the schedule I want I will not be able to fit in Organic 2. Is this a bad idea? thanks. (Plan on taking either in the summer or fall 2013).

Don't do it later. Seriously I can guarantee you will regret it later. Once you start Org II you are gonna realize that you need all of that stuff you learned fro Org I fresh in your head and it will take you so much more time to relearn it. You really need to switch around whatever it is you have this next semester and fit it in.
I took Organic Chem I in the fall, I studied abroad in the spring, and then I took Organic Chem II in the summer. It was nice because it was the only class I took over the summer, so I had more time to study for it. I had a higher grade and better understanding of O. Chem II vs. O. Chem I because of it. Granted, the rest of the class was taking it in the summer because they failed it the first time, but they were real nice and dedicated to getting a better grade.
I took orgo 2 a year an a half after orgo 1. I did very well in both. If you are good in orgo, you will be fine. But you should keep up with materials.
It does not matter. You could take organic I and take biochemistry after and still do fine.
Yea, take it whenever you can fit it in your schedule. No biggie. Just might have to work a little bit harder at retaining Org I or learning the material again, but hey, it'll be good practice for the DAT :)
I highly recommend them as close as possible. Take it from me, I thought I could do it and I regret spacing it out very much.
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I would have to agree with everyone here in that it would be smarter to take them one after the other....however, I did this and it did not matter, simply for the fact that my professor for Ochem 1 was a first time professor and wasn't very good, and I didn't really learn a whole lot from him so I kind of had to re-teach myself everything when I took Ochem 2. Sometimes its just luck of the draw with professors :/