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Dec 26, 2001
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I interviewed at NYCOM december 13, and still haven't heard. Did anyone interview then, or at least around the second or third week in december, and get an acceptance yet????

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I interviewed on December 5th and got my letter on December 17th. So it was right at 2 weeks. With Christmas and everything, it may be a little behind. I bet you'll hear soon! Good luck.
I interviewed ant NYCOM on Dec. 14th and still haven't heard either. I'm dying here. They made it sound like it would be sooner then 2 weeks because they wanted to get everything done before the holidays. I can't stand running to the mailbox everyday. Hope I hear soon. Good Luck!!!
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WEll, soon is here. I just received my acceptance to NYCOM. :D Exactly 2 weeks and a day. Thanks NYCOM for the great christmas present. Good luck to all those still waiting!! Happy New Year!!
Is NYCOM your first choice since hearing from them? Im interested in how you are moving forward in making your decision about where you want to go to school. Any ideas? thoughts? concerns?

Are you looking at other schools? Just interested in as much info as I can get my hands on to make a wise decision about schools.
I interviewed on Dec 5th and received a response on Xmas Eve. Unfortunately, it was not a status notification though. I was pretty mad when I received it in the mail. The letter was basically a credit hour deficiency notification.....THAT'S IT! I was a little annoyed because I have explained myself throughly about his discrepency. My whole interview, actually, was not a personal one. It was to clear up these "deficiencies" in my application. So to get this kind of letter when I thought that I cleared up this whole situation was a little frustrating. After calling the admissions office, they said that they will let me know around mid-January....wish me luck guys :)
Hopefully, you guys wont have to go through the same confusion

Hey Fozzy,
Sorry to hear things are taking so long for you. I know how terrible the waiting is. I do wish you lots of luck!!

Well, NYCOM and UMDNJ(New Jersey) are tied for first place with me. I think that's only because UMDNJ is my state school and the difference in tuition is incredible. However, I think NYCOM is a better choice for clinical reasons. NYCOM's affiliations are great... as someone on another thread put it... second to none, and that's the truth. NYCOM does have the most rigorous (sp?) program and they do have a very large class size. Over all though I really believe that med school is what you make of it. There are great opportunities at all schools, as long as you put your all into it you'll become a great physician no matter where you go to medical school. Good luck with everything and have a wonderful New Year!!
I just got NYCOM's acceptance yesterday :) I too am trying to weight both NYCOM and UMDNJ, being I'm an NJ resident. Unlike college undergrad procedures, we are allowed to send in multiple deposits to schools we've been accepted to until we decide where we want to go, CORRECT???

You can hold numerous spots at different schools. at least until May. (May 1st I beleive)

At that point you must choose and notify the other schools that you will not be attending.

My own personal thought...decide AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Right now there are thousands of people waiting for letters and interviews. Holding a spot in a school that you really do not want to attend can delay this process for them.

That being said, congratulations and good luck on your decision and your future career!