Observation Hours

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5+ Year Member
Mar 25, 2018
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What is a good number to have for observation hours? I should be in the 200 range in 2-3 settings by the time I apply, is this good?

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What is a good number to have for observation hours? I should be in the 200 range in 2-3 settings by the time I apply, is this good?

I say 200 is good in multiple settings. But it honestly all depends on the programs you apply to and how they rank applicants. I know for one of the schools I applied too they gave you a higher ranking if you had 400 hours. So I would say don’t do any more than 400 hours and if you met the requirement for the programs then you are fine with 200.
I say 200 is good in multiple settings. But it honestly all depends on the programs you apply to and how they rank applicants. I know for one of the schools I applied too they gave you a higher ranking if you had 400 hours. So I would say don’t do any more than 400 hours and if you met the requirement for the programs then you are fine with 200.
What school was that for the 400 hours? And the most hours required for me from a school would be 100.