Offers pulled from COVID-19 downturn thread

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Gen X, the last great generation
15+ Year Member
Sep 9, 2004
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Anyone else hearing about offers being pulled by groups due to the slide downturn??

Im hearing it almost everywhere. Large groups cut pay and hours by 1/2 in many cases. Still the fallout continues....

What is going where you are?

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I don't see how layoffs are avoidable. Demand is going to be down once the backlog is dealt with. The unemployment rate and uninsured are going to stay high. I will be surprised if volumes in our lab are above 75 percent what they were pre-covid over the course of next few years.
Didn’t get my offer pulled. Seems like volume is picking up or will pick up gradually.
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I would agree about layoffs being inevitable.

My group decided not to replace a part timer who retired during all this....rather just suck it up and do the work even if volumes come all the way back.

total comp will be down significantly, but this is understandable considering the volume.

I know of nearby academic groups who have decided not to hire in the usual summer cycle but I haven’t heard of an offer being pulled (yet).
We were down to 50% staffing for awhile, then 75%, and now returning to 100% next week. I heard that we made an offer to someone that got put on hold and is now or will soon be re-offered.

It will be interesting to see how this develops though. Is there a backlog that will taper off? Will there be another wave in fall or earlier? And if so, does that cause more shutdowns?
One of our group is furloughed for two months. Several furloughs throughout the lab including managers.
Our group was at 50% for most of last month, up to about 80% last week, and practically back to normal this week with an expectation of having a very busy summer ahead of us. We were talking of hiring another pathologist, but nothing formal was in place. We're holding off and seeing where the rest of the year goes before making a commitment to hire.

Overall though, I'm getting mixed signals. I know of some of the smaller local groups who were actively trying to hire put that on hold. Interestingly, I'm getting unsolicited emails and calls from recruiters asking if either I or pathologist(s) I know would be interested in positions, either locums or permanent, elsewhere. Mind you, while it's not anywhere desirable by most people's standards at least some groups or entities are hiring. My overall take at the moment is pathology is recovering unevenly like everything else in the country right now.
My volumes are consistent with those reported here.
The real question for the job market what happens after the back log.

How many patients are not going to the doctor because they are afraid of the virus ?

A lot will depend on how much virus your community sees during the next year.
This is an unknown business risk that will influence hiring in the next 12 months
LA did you bail on your stock market short position or get killed ?
My volumes are consistent with those reported here.
The real question for the job market what happens after the back log.

How many patients are not going to the doctor because they are afraid of the virus ?

A lot will depend on how much virus your community sees during the next year.
This is an unknown business risk that will influence hiring in the next 12 months

High unemployment, many losing insurance, fear of going to doctor/hospital.

It doesn't take Einstein to figure out what will be happening over the next few years.
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Got two unsolicited contacts from recruiters for AP/CP jobs today. One required 5 years experience in a college town in IL, the other did not (a small group in "Southern Midwest town").

Maybe case volumes picking up and older partners realize they want to stay home indefinitely?
Got two unsolicited contacts from recruiters for AP/CP jobs today. One required 5 years experience in a college town in IL, the other did not (a small group in "Southern Midwest town").

Maybe case volumes picking up and older partners realize they want to stay home indefinitely?

I saw that too and am seeing a bit more. That one in Illinois is in Champaign-Urbana. It would be a nice practice town.

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I personally don't know anyone whose offer has been pulled because of COVID-19.
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My volume is at 60% now. I doubt outpatient volumes will recover entirely for years.
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The one offer we had we kept.

I have also gotten a number of recruiter offers. Not sure if it's places actually struggling to find someone, or it's places struggling to hire someone without paying an arm and a leg. I would say that most of the recruiter offers I have gotten are looking for people with management experience though to be lab directors of some sort - it isn't just surg path.
OMG, physicians getting two unsolicited contacts from recruiters. The job market must be awesome now.

We just needed a pandemic all these years to thin the herd and force the mass retirement.
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OMG, physicians getting two unsolicited contacts from recruiters. The job market must be awesome now.

We just needed a pandemic all these years to thin the herd and force the mass retirement.
Or everybody gets on a plane out of USA as it plunges into chaos...
Or everybody gets on a plane out of USA as it plunges into chaos...

Definitely a good time to be rural. All we have seen is a few nursing home patients die of covid during this pandemic. No riots. Was a beautiful weekend in the KY.

If you see a rural job, take it.
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No offers pulled, but we did have one that was modified to reflect the salary cuts everyone in the practice is taking.

I gotta be honest, though -- readjusting to a "regular" schedule after having 2-3 days off per week in the last month has been harder than I though. I felt way more productive doing things around the homestead, wouldn't mind going part-time if it meant giving some young'n a chance.
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LA did you bail on your stock market short position or get killed ?

Bailed. But I lost alot. Of course from March 3rd through April 4th I had made almost a million.

I will have fired more people in the last month than I have hired total in 20 years. Think next the new entity Im doing will axe 17 souls? Not all pathologists, but even the pathologists staying are getting pretty epic short term haircuts BUT I hope I can turn it around for them after we pretty much gut all the expenses.

When they asked what EMR system I would pay for I told them the kind that is 3 inches by 5 inches, thin, white and has lines and goes into a small plastic box. Hahahahahaha.

Low tech is the new tech.
No tech is the best tech.

Now Im seeing people more realistic in when things will "normalize". My city just announced they expected a full recovery in....2025!

I am now back to literally 100% of prior predicted volumes but since the axeman cometh recently, Im beyond swamped doing all the work and cant post up as usual..GL everyone!

Bailed. But I lost alot. Of course from March 3rd through April 4th I had made almost a million.

I will have fired more people in the last month than I have hired total in 20 years. Think next the new entity Im doing will axe 17 souls? Not all pathologists, but even the pathologists staying are getting pretty epic short term haircuts BUT I hope I can turn it around for them after we pretty much gut all the expenses.

When they asked what EMR system I would pay for I told them the kind that is 3 inches by 5 inches, thin, white and has lines and goes into a small plastic box. Hahahahahaha.

Low tech is the new tech.
No tech is the best tech.

Now Im seeing people more realistic in when things will "normalize". My city just announced they expected a full recovery in....2025!

I am now back to literally 100% of prior predicted volumes but since the axeman cometh recently, Im beyond swamped doing all the work and cant post up as usual..GL everyone!


Gotta say, I'm definitely an urban guy but was forced for job reasons to move to "rural deluxe" (or suburban, not quite sure where it stands). Was never really happy about it, although the family liked it. Well, I certainly appreciate it during the pandemic. While those in cities go mad in their 900 sq ft boxes that they can't leave, I've got a pretty unaffected day-to-day experience.

Also, sorry you lost money LA, actually, I am really not, since it meant that the rest of us came up for some air after watching our account balances plummet.
The market is creeping back to where it was before the pandemic. Seems crazy to me. Maybe it will be a V shaped recovery. Is Trump that lucky?
The market is creeping back to where it was before the pandemic. Seems crazy to me. Maybe it will be a V shaped recovery. Is Trump that lucky?
This is not a normal market and hasn't been since 2009.The unelected FED,most powerful institution in the world,has spoken with OUR TAX DOLLARS.
fed doesn’t need our tax dollars


The fed can print dollars. Just like the central bank of Zimbabwe does.

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The fed can print dollars. Just like the central bank of Zimbabwe does.

View attachment 309053

Hold it on the 100 trillion dollar bill there is a pic of 3 rocks?

Why the embossed image on the bottom right side look like a penis?!

Is this real?!