USMLE Official 2019 Step 1 Experiences and Scores Thread

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Mar 5, 2015
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Lets get this started.
M2. Mid Tier everything.
Entertaining some surgical sub-specialties.

Goal 270
Happy with 245

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I LOVE boards and beyond and also remember them emailing us at some point to mention creating step 2 content... your post motivated me to figure out when it was coming out, but the internet couldn’t give me the answer. So I wrote to them to ask for an update/timeline, and this is what they just responded :(

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BnB for step 2 would be great. So far OME has proven to be very superficial/top level management based and only good for the first day or so of a rotation.
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BnB for step 2 would be great. So far OME has proven to be very superficial/top level management based and only good for the first day or so of a rotation.
Why does the internet speak about OME like it's UW level? People irl say just cram it at the beginning of the rotation/weekend before.
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when the step 1 thread has more step 2 content/activity than the step 2 thread...

maybe @libertyyne could lead the way for our new home thread just like this one? We might be stressing out those still thinking (and stressing) about step 1
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just keep analyzing and reanalyzing. remembered 263 questions and made 21 mistakes that I can count (assuming the two questions i can't remember my answer to are wrong)

Lol woah bro that's intense. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you are completely fine. I also was super worried my test was more straightforward than I was expecting and I also remember stupid stuff I missed.
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anyone worried that their test was too straightforward? some people i know had the most convoluted tests and now i'm worried my stupid mistakes might cost me my score... just keep analyzing and reanalyzing. remembered 263 questions and made 21 mistakes that I can count (assuming the two questions i can't remember my answer to are wrong)

Yep, for the most part felt it was straightforward, also have thought of at least 4-5 stupid mistakes...but I can only remember like 15-20 questions max haha. Maybe try to go do some fun stuff and not think about it too much? The fact that your memory is good enough to remember that many questions makes me think you probably did pretty well.
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Yep, for the most part felt it was straightforward, also have thought of at least 4-5 stupid mistakes...but I can only remember like 15-20 questions max haha. Maybe try to go do some fun stuff and not think about it too much? The fact that your memory is good enough to remember that many questions makes me think you probably did pretty well.
oh i have been but whenever i go to bed - i get a burst of 30 questions or more in my head lol it's HAUNTING. i'm hoping my practice test scores are reflective of my actual exam result :{
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oh i have been but whenever i go to bed - i get a burst of 30 questions or more in my head lol it's HAUNTING. i'm hoping my practice test scores are reflective of my actual exam result :{

I get that, that had also been happening to me. Here’s what I tell myself:

1. Maybe it felt easy/straightforward because I prepared so well. It may not have been as straightforward to others.

2. This thread is full of high performers. They have all said the exact same thing about making stupid mistakes. If we all made stupid mistakes, then it evens out.

3. Most people hit pretty close to their practice scores. The odds are in your favor.

4. This one maybe be specific to me, but I keep trying to remind myself that my original goal was 240+. When my practice tests started coming in predicting me 250-260, I started putting a lot of pressure on myself wanting to hit that, or more. This created a lot of anxiety. Even though I obviously still hope I do hit my prediction scores, reminding me of this original goal helps me dial down my crazy a little bit.
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ust freaking out because all of my practice exam results were 255+ and worried i won't get close to my average

I mean if you are remembering 260+ questions and have only missed 21 I'm going to say you are probably about to get a 265+.

And don't worry about stressing, I think all of us here have done it/are currently doing it lol. I too am worried I won't hit my predicted but have kept myself busy so I don't think about it. Although the closer the 10th gets the more antsy I get.
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Holy crap the fact that you can remember 260 questions tells me you crushed the test. That’s an insane memory. I can remember 15 at best
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anyone worried that their test was too straightforward? some people i know had the most convoluted tests and now i'm worried my stupid mistakes might cost me my score... just keep analyzing and reanalyzing. remembered 263 questions and made 21 mistakes that I can count (assuming the two questions i can't remember my answer to are wrong)

Can relate to this.

just freaking out because all of my practice exam results were 255+ and worried i won't get close to my average
also i know lol i am one of those people who remembers every single question from exams and i try to ignnore it but they come to my head when i go try to sleep at night lol

edit: in no means am i trying to brag or be annoying... just a super anxious person and i needed a venue to comment/vent about this on. i feel bad for posting about this since people haven't taken step yet but i just couldn't contain it any more lol

Cannot relate to this.
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just freaking out because all of my practice exam results were 255+ and worried i won't get close to my average
also i know lol i am one of those people who remembers every single question from exams and i try to ignnore it but they come to my head when i go try to sleep at night lol

edit: in no means am i trying to brag or be annoying... just a super anxious person and i needed a venue to comment/vent about this on. i feel bad for posting about this since people haven't taken step yet but i just couldn't contain it any more lol

I'm with you - I had similar scores and put in an unreasonable amount of time/effort hoping to crack 260. At this point I've convinced myself I probably under-performed by a big margin, but have come to peace with it.

Keep in mind that 250 is above the mean for derm/ortho/etc, and way above the mean for matched applicants in the vast majority of specialties. If you really choked and dropped to a 245 or 240, the door is still wide open to whatever specialty you want to do.
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So took nbme 18 today felt miserable while taking like I knew nothing but scraped a 236. Still have half my uworld questions left and taking the test in a month or 2. I'm hoping uworld takes me up 1-4 more points because my original goal was 240 but it's kind of sad since two weeks ago I got a 230 on nbme 15 T_T so it's like I only moved up 6 points.. Ngl pretty discouraged but I deserve it since I wasn't as organized as I could have been past few weeks
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So took nbme 18 today felt miserable while taking like I knew nothing but scraped a 236. Still have half my uworld questions left and taking the test in a month or 2. I'm hoping uworld takes me up 1-4 more points because my original goal was 240 but it's kind of sad since two weeks ago I got a 230 on nbme 15 T_T so it's like I only moved up 6 points.. Ngl pretty discouraged but I deserve it since I wasn't as organized as I could have been past few weeks
You have plenty of time! Just keep taking practice tests/grinding, and you'll probably go up more that 1-4 points.
USMLE announced no scores to be released this week. So next Wednesday for sure. This long ass wait is almost over.
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Hey everyone, decided that I would change my exam date from the 12th to 5th of July because I’m burning out hard. I was hoping one of you with a formula could give me a score prediction?

UW First Pass 77%
Kaplan First pass 84%
UW1: 251 7 weeks out
NBME21: 232 6 weeks out
NBME20: 238 5 weeks out
NBME22: 246 4 weeks out
NBME23: 244 3 weeks out
NBME24: 255 2 weeks out
NBME18: 261 1 week out
UW2: 251 4 days out -> feeling really burned out

Hoping to get a 240 on the real thing.
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I had found this place of pure bliss and forgetfulness until yesterday, and now I don't know how I'm going to do anything productive for the next 7 days.
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I start MS3 with internal med on Monday. First week is ICU. I've done 0 medicine for like 6 weeks.

I'm going to be so good, fam. Definitely not going to look stupid.

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I start MS3 with internal med on Monday. First week is ICU. I've done 0 medicine for like 6 weeks.

I'm going to be so good, fam. Definitely not going to look stupid.

I start IM in about 4 weeks which will put me at 6 weeks medicine free too lol, lemme know how it goes. Dont forget, the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell!
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I start MS3 with internal med on Monday. First week is ICU. I've done 0 medicine for like 6 weeks.

I'm going to be so good, fam. Definitely not going to look stupid.


Bro same, except instead of ICU I'm on teaching service for 4 weeks and then cardiology. At least expectations are at a zero, and I'm hoping the attendings are more worried about the interns killing people than what the medical students are doing.

I'm going to get all the pimp questions right though /s. I've regressed so much, the other day a friend asked me for help on a boards topic and I legit couldn't remember the term "achondroplasia" and had to google "dwarf disease" in order to answer his question lol......... :help:
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I'm going to get all the pimp questions right though /s. I've regressed so much, the other day a friend asked me for help on a boards topic and I legit couldn't remember the term "achondroplasia" and had to google "dwarf disease" in order to answer his question lol......... :help:

I was unable to explain my wife hyperplasia vs hypertrophy the other day. Dr. Sattar was silently sobbing in Chicago...
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permit buttons gone and my eligibility period hasnt ended yet, this wed is the real deal ladies and gents. took it 6/13
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I see a lot of posters going for Dorian deck for step 2. Any reason it beats out the doc 3.0 which is basically an extension of the more tried and true wiwa deck?
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Mine is still there..... great, I failed. :help:
According to reddit at least, the permit thing doesnt actually dictate pass vs fail. Theres other people on reddit that took it in may saying there's is still there. Maybe it goes away in waves? I know theres a 0% chance you failed so id just ignore that theory about permits for now!
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Gonna go up and ask my wife if she can log me in to check.
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Mine is still there (6/25) but I didn’t really expect mine the week of the 10th. Good luck everyone and can’t wait to see how everyone did!
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Goodluck people!! Mine is gone as well. I can't wait for this all to be over
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*heavy breathing intensifies*

Can’t wait to see the monster scores you all get in a few days!
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*heavy breathing intensifies*

Can’t wait to see the monster scores you all get in a few days!

I predict that the prices of Taco trucks are gonna go up very soon with all the bone wizards here changing tracks to OMM residency... :blackeye:
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I predict that the prices of Taco trucks are gonna go up very soon with all the bone wizards here changing tracks to OMM residency... :blackeye:
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I've been refreshing it today on account of you guys, and I'm pretty sure mine just disappeared since the last time I refreshed it 10 minutes ago -- now it says "scheduling not available" and "score report is not available" where I think there previously was no text at all. Wishful thinking maybe to hope to get my score only 2.5 weeks (the 3rd wednesday) after?? :scared:
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