The key to negotiating a higher salary in any job (not just Podiatry) is to have better options available. It means a beggar can't be a chooser. If the PP job is the only contract you have in hand and in a location you want, then you can't play hardball. Such is life not just in Podiatry or medicine but in the corporate world in general.
You can read all the motivational books in the world but it can all be summarized in one word called " leverage". If you have leverage then you can negotiate and get a better deal without risking future PP employer telling you to get lost.
Exactly.^^^ The is just what I mean when I say abundance mentality. The biggest part is leverage on yourself. Options or abundance mentality is just taking leverage on yourself... your cowardly and fickly inner self ("but I gotta pay my loans" "but I'm sick of looking for jobs" "but I might lose the offer"). That works best with more tangible and real options, but the mindset is actually the most critical when you have few or have none (confidence to balance out any desperation).
Ideally, you'll have maaany locations you'd be open to and happy with, many job situations you could see yourself thriving in, confidence that you can always create more job options, confidence you'll learn something wherever you go (even if you don't stay long), confidence that more will become available soon, etc.
The abundance does not have to exist at the present moment (multiple contracts in hand and multiple interviews next week); it is a mentality that it exists. "One door closes, another five open" etc. Someone doesn't necessarily have to have five literal job offers/options (and you shouldn't waste money or time to do interview, second interview, etc with obviously crummy places just to "get more options"). You can always
operate from the mindset that you are talented, valuable, and could create more options... works for business, jobs, dating, friendships, acquaintances, purchases, life in general. Businesses do that to applicants or buyers often (overstate how much interest the position or item has even if they are bargaining with the only real prospect). Likewise, even if you are married or in a 3yr job contract with penalties for leaving or you're broke or in heavy student debt and will miss rent soon, etc, you still need to have the mindset that you have high independence and value. Whenever you fall into a scarcity mentality, you lose all leverage... and become susceptible to motivation loss or even abuse in some "stuck" or "no other choice" situations. It is
always your choice to trust yourself and determine your value, but that is a lot easier if you live below your means instead of stretching your money/credit as far as it can go.