Official Pediatrics Shelf Exam Thread

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I'm having trouble understanding vaccination schedules, specifically in regards to whether you can give multiple vaccinations in the same day to a kid.
1)Can you give multiple killed in the same day?
2)Can you give multiple Live vaccines in the same day?
3)Can you give both Killed and Live vaccines in the same day?
Any help would be appreciated.

1. Yes (anything on the 2,4,6 month schedule)
2. Yes (MMR + V)
3. Yes (MMR, V, and Hep A)

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How important is it to know the milestones? Dr. Williams on OME said to not memorize them. But I have a feeling I should? SHELF is in less than three weeks...still 400 UW left.
How important is it to know the milestones? Dr. Williams on OME said to not memorize them. But I have a feeling I should? SHELF is in less than three weeks...still 400 UW left.

Yeah I disagree with Dr Dustyn on this. I had i think three questions on my shelf on milestones.
How important is it to know the milestones? Dr. Williams on OME said to not memorize them. But I have a feeling I should? SHELF is in less than three weeks...still 400 UW left.

Know the milestones. The general trend/pattern is more important than exact numbers.
Do any of you guys remember how you were doing on PreTest questions? I'm generally getting ~70-75% of them right and wasn't sure where that puts me in regard to the actual shelf (or whether it means anything anyway)
So what's the word these days on the best resources for the shelf. I was thinking UWorld + AMBOSS or UWorld + Kaplan
How good are the NBME exams for peds shelf? Looks like forms 3, 4, 5, 6 are available for purchase ($20 ea)
Honored the pediatrics shelf using OME, Case Files, PreTest, Emma Holliday, and UWorld. Loved Case Files for this rotation. Only did 1 pass of PreTest (also the residents recommended 2 passes) but thought it helped enough with the minutiae. Also this surprised me on the actual shelf, but paying attention on the rotation can make some of the diagnosis/management questions very intuitive!