Ohio OB/GYN Programs

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Feb 10, 2017
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Hi everyone,

I'm trying to organize my rank list. I attend medical school in New York but I'm originally from the Midwest and I'm trying to match in the Midwest for residency. I'm having trouble differentiating between the many Ohio programs and was wondering how you would all rank them based on your experience.

Specifically, how would you rank these programs: Aultman, Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals/Case, Summa health, Akron general, and Ohio State.

Thanks in advance!!

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I think it depends on what you want to do:

If you want to do OB specialties or generalist:

OSU>Cleveland Clinic>UH>Summa>Akron General>Aultman

If you want to do Gyn specialties:

CCF>OSU>UH>Summa>Akron General>Aultman
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Still would put OSU at the top of the list regardless of career goals. Only potential caveat would be if you really wanted to do FPMRS, but even then, the OSU grads who wanted to do FPMRS have matched at top places.

CC has a stronger FPMRS program easily but the overall stronger residency program is OSU.
It is a more well established residency program with pretty strong and well connected leadership.
Have witnessed first hand their residents get pretty competitive fellowships fairly easily.
Still would put OSU at the top of the list regardless of career goals. Only potential caveat would be if you really wanted to do FPMRS, but even then, the OSU grads who wanted to do FPMRS have matched at top places.

CC has a stronger FPMRS program easily but the overall stronger residency program is OSU.
It is a more well established residency program with pretty strong and well connected leadership.
Have witnessed first hand their residents get pretty competitive fellowships fairly easily.
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to organize my rank list. I attend medical school in New York but I'm originally from the Midwest and I'm trying to match in the Midwest for residency. I'm having trouble differentiating between the many Ohio programs and was wondering how you would all rank them based on your experience.

Specifically, how would you rank these programs: Aultman, Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals/Case, Summa health, Akron general, and Ohio State.

Thanks in advance!!

OSU>=UH>>>ccf>>>Akron programs

CCF has renowned FPMRS and REI faculty but that means fellows are doing cases. OSU and UH are more resident driven and can get you fellowships, the Akron programs are solid but are regionally known so if you want a competitive fellowship, which pretty much all of them are it is doable from there but more difficult without well connected faculty. Obgyn fellowships are still about who you know as much as your CV
This is helpful! I'm also curious how Cincinnati fits into the mix.