old verbal workbook?

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Dec 27, 2012
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So I got a 2005 EK verbal book (teaches all the strategies and has 30 minutes exams etc.) for free and I was wondering if I can use this even if it's old. Thanks!

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Sure. But I would guess the practice tests have more questions like the old MCAT (old old meaning before 07), so that will be inaccurate for timing. You could still use it if you only do 40 questions as representing 1 test. Do as many passages as you need to get close to 40 questions.
So I got a 2005 EK verbal book (teaches all the strategies and has 30 minutes exams etc.) for free and I was wondering if I can use this even if it's old. Thanks!

The EK MCAT Verbal Reasoning 6th edition? It's fine, all they did for the 7th edition was fix some typos. I studied off the 6th edition last spring, I was worried about changes so I compared the 2 books at B&N and there was very little difference. They also have a forum where they've posted the corrections.
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