OMM/OMT for AOBPMR Written Board

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Jun 9, 2010
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For those who have recently taken the AOBPMR written board, how much OMM/OMT was involved? Was it similar to having to study broad scope of OMM/OMT for COMLEX? I didn’t even think about it until now and realized because it’s the DO board it may have OMM questions, so I checked their website which groups OMM with pain and spine under the category of interventional therapeutics for 25-39% of the exam. What does that even mean :/

I’m wondering if I need to dive into the green Saverese OMT review book to cover things like those Chapman points and craniosacral stuff that I haven’t looked back since medical school… yikes

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You’ve diagnosed a patient with a lumbar radiculopathy. What’s the first treatment you should do?

A. Order an X-ray
B. Treat the Chapman point
C. Treat the pelvic rotation
D. Offer to discuss the diagnosis with their spouse

Then you hit you’re head on the table and wonder why you didn’t just take the ABPMR boards.
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You’ve diagnosed a patient with a lumbar radiculopathy. What’s the first treatment you should do?

A. Order an X-ray
B. Treat the Chapman point
C. Treat the pelvic rotation
D. Offer to discuss the diagnosis with their spouse

Then you hit you’re head on the table and wonder why you didn’t just take the ABPMR boards.
So it’s written by the same people that wrote the COMLEX?
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You’ve diagnosed a patient with a lumbar radiculopathy. What’s the first treatment you should do?

A. Order an X-ray
B. Treat the Chapman point
C. Treat the pelvic rotation
D. Offer to discuss the diagnosis with their spouse

Then you hit you’re head on the table and wonder why you didn’t just take the ABPMR boards.

oh my…. what resources should I review in the next few days to briefly cover OMM portion?

About the AOBPMR vs. ABOMR, wouldn’t 100 questions for 2 2-hour blocks be better than 325 question for 2 3-hour blocks?

I thought I read it wrong that AOBPMR Part 1 is giving 2 hours in each block for 50 questions per block… or should I expect the questions to be super long? I’ve been doing most of the qbanks available for ABPMR (AAPMR, BoardVitals, PMRRecap, PM&R Q&A, etc) but it’s hard for me to imagine what to expect for the AOBPMR Written board…
If you are asking what I’d do, I would likely study the green book for a bit a few times. Cover the highlights, but wouldn’t spend a ton of time there. By the way, I made up the question I wrote above so in no way is it suggestive of what AOBPMR writes (was a joke).

I mean you passed comlex 3 times so you should be good to go for the most part. Maybe a lot would depend on how often you use osteopathic principles or OMT in a daily/weekly routine during residency.

But overall there is not much public knowledge about the DO boards and types of questions. Not nearly as much as the ABPMR.
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